albedo | sunrise

970 22 66

Written; 13.02.2022 - 19.02.2022
(I was lazy and I also kept going back and forth trying to imporve things/make things sound less c r i n g e so if anything sounds cringe or weird i am s o sorry-)

You were laying back down on the grass, legs slightly spread apart and your arms supporting the back of your head as a pillow, preventing grass from getting into your hair/onto your (a hat, headscarf etc if ur wearing one!). You shut your eyes and inhaled a deep breath through your nostrils, before exhaling it out into the air through your mouth. The soft grass tickled any bare skin and you savoured the cool breeze gushing over your face.

"Y/n?" A sudden voice cut you out of your trance, you popped an eye open to search for the source of sound, and were met with a pair of teal eyes on your left. The owner of them lying next to you on the grass in the same position

"Woah- O-oh, Albedo. Fancy seeing you here. Nice way to start my day" You said, smiling brightly at the boy besides you

He chuckled slightly. "I think you'd be pleased to know I feel the same" he uttered, returning a small but sweet smile.

You asked him what he was doing here, trying to strike up some small talk as to not leave the atmosphere feeling awkward. He replied saying he was merely here to paint the sunrise, guiding you with the movement of his eyes to where his mini "painting station" was set up.

"Ah." You couldn't help but frown slightly, you'd gotten your hopes up too high thinking he was here to spend some time with you.

"Does.. something bother you?" Albedo asked, noticing the slight pained look on your face

"A-Ah. No, nothing at all, Albedo. Thanks" You attempted to assure him that your frown was not what he thought it was, but it came out in a slight bitter manner so you forced a smile to try and be more believable

He hesitated to speak further and leave you by yourself on seeing your expression and after having heard the way in which you spoke, but decided to anyway in hopes of you being the one to stop him

"...okay, then. I'll be off to paint. I'm just nearby if you need me" you responded with silence, and watched as he sighed ever so slightly before getting up from the floor to head to his small "painting station". You cursed mentally at yourself

"Ah- wait-!" You called, getting your head up off the ground to reach up and grab his arm

His breath hitched at your sudden action, and he looked back down at you with slightly widened eyes

"I like you, albedo! No, I love you! I just wish youd notice me already! You're always so caught up in work and drawing even during the small moments we get to share together, and I-" your ramble was cut short when you felt albedo's palm on your mouth. He shushed you and on removing his hand asked you a question that flushed your face redder then dilucs hair.

"May I kiss you? I wouldnt like to do anything without your permission"

You nodded your head softly, earning a soft smirk from albedo

"Use your words, love"

"Not whilst your talking to me like that..." your murmured

He wanted to tease you furthur, having found amusement in it, but longed too much to capture your lips in his. He'll save the teasing for another time (WINK WINK)

Sealing your lips together, you melted into the kiss and everything outside the moment you were sharing felt like a blur

This is actually a rewrite of something i wrote like last June but it was BADDDD so i decided to rewrite it sjdnjejcndid and post it lol

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