kazuha | if only

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The leaves were a strong shade of blush – a bold red, bright enough to blind

'Acer palmatum Skeeters Brooms', a Japanese maple tree, dressed in its famous colour during the spring, settling with deep purple-red through summer and lastly a bright ruby-red in autumn.

,, Kazuha, why would you bring me out here ?! You know how much I hate coming outside–! ''

,, Shhh, relax, my love. ''

,, This red is blinding my eyes, Kazuha. I can do anything but relax right now. ''

He shaked his head with a chuckle, before disappearing behind you, no sooner engulfing your vision with darkness.

,, Ah.. that's better. But hey-! What're you doing-?! ''

,, Heh. Shielding you from the bright. ''

,, But- Now I can't see- Kazuha! Take your hands off of my eyes! ''

,, I merely jest. This is what you wanted, no? Your eyes will not go blind, now. ''

,, Yes yes, but, I can't see where I'm going! What if I fall?! ''

,,Okay. ''

He removed one of his hands from on top of your eyes, and moved it to hold your waist securely.

,, W-what?! ''

,, I've got a firm grip on you, now. You won't fall, with me holding you. Don't worry ''

,, Yes, I guess. But I may as well just faint, then. '

,, Does this position bother you, my love? If you are not comfortable with this level of intimacy– ''

,, No no! It– it doesn't bother me. It's just– It's just new, is all. But I– but I like it. ''

,, Heh. Your face is similar to the colour of these leaves. ''

,, KAZUHA–! ''

His chuckles rang in your ears, his breath fanning your neck from behind, as you blushed furiously at the whole situation.

The bright colours of the spring season were no fret for the normal citizens, but for citizens like you, who prefer to stay locked up in the depths of their own comfort, stepping outside (and touching grass) was found to be a rare activity you committed to. One could even say it was rarer than the appearance of super moons.

If only you got out more with him. If only you didn't block him out as much as you did. If only you treasured moments like these more. If only you weren't such a hold back to his freedom. Maybe he'd still be here with you. Maybe you wouldn't have succumbed to the dark once again. 

If only you weren't such a hikkomori. 

: : 31/07/2022

just smth short i wrote. idk. 

hope you're all well :)

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