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Harry: "Within a minute I was all packed up, I've got a ticket to another world. I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go. The silent words are hard to speak, when your thoughts are all I see. "Don't ever leave," she said to me."

"I think I'm all packed," he sighed, zipping up the last suitcase and setting it on the bedroom floor. You smiled small, nodding in reply. "Yup. Looks like it." The room grew quiet, both of you staying still as a million thoughts ran through your heads. "I don't wanna go..." he said after a while with a small pout, looking towards you with green, sad eyes. "I don't want you to go either baby... But it's your job so you don't really have a choice." "I know, I know," he replied, chuckling softly before another silence took over the bedroom. You stood up, wiping your hands on your jeans, looking at your boyfriend with a weak smile. No matter how many times he had to go away, it never got easier. "I can see right through your strong face (Y/N), I know what you're thinking and I know you're not happy. Your eyes say it all baby, and I don't want you to be sad because I'm coming back, you know I will. I always do..." he reassured. "You promise you won't ever leave me?" you asked like a small child, chewing on your lip. Harry shook his head, walking up to you and putting his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his relaxing scent and strong chest, his arms tightening up around you. "I would never..." Your eyes closed as you attempted to take all of him for the last time for a few months. "Don't ever leave..."

Liam: "When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky, to the beat of our hearts at the same time. So close, but so far away. (Can you hear me?)"

(His P.O.V.)

I lay in the large hotel bed, thinking of her. I missed her so much, and these past few months had been getting harder. Every night, I would stare at the ceiling, unable to sleep with the thought of her in my mind. We weren't even that far away, only a state over. It was nice to know she was peacefully asleep at the same time I was supposed to be. I liked to imagine her resting on my chest, listening to my heartbeat until she fell asleep. For some reason that seemed to relax her and I honestly had no problem with it. It was so cute. You learn to miss the little things like that when you're away from someone you love so much. I missed the way she would do her makeup in the morning and leave it on the counter. It wasn't messy; it was just a sign that she was actually there with me. I also really missed the way she would come up behind me in the morning, placing a lazy kiss on the back of my neck before going to get her morning beverage. I could just picture her in her natural state, her most beautiful state. At least I would be home soon, and I would be able to enjoy the little things about being with her once again.

Niall: "She sleeps alone. My heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was, beside you. She lies awake. I'm trying to find the words to say. I wish I was, I wish I was beside you."

(His P.O.V.)

"I hate sleeping alone..." she mumbled on the other end of the phone. The exhaustion was obvious in her words as she tried to stay awake. "But princess, you need to sleep. Seriously. I can tell and I'm not even looking at you..." "Niall, I can't sleep... I told you that." I sighed, not knowing how to help the problem. I wanted nothing more than to be home with her wrapped up in my arms, fast asleep. "You need to sleep. Now how can I help you to sleep? I obviously can't be there at the moment, but there must be something I can do. Anything." Waiting for a response, I waited to get an answer from her. "Can... can you maybe sing to me? That might help a little," she requested, sounding so vulnerable like a child. "Of course." The first song that popped into my head was Autumn Leaves by Ed Sheeran. She loved that song more than any other, so I was hoping it would help her get to sleep. "Another day, another life passes by just like mine, it's not complicated..." "Float down... like autumn leaves, and hush now, close your eyes before the sleep..." As I continued the song, I heard her breathing get softer and softer. I finished with the last lyrics. "And we'll live forever now..." There was no reply when I finished, and I mentally sighed. She had finally fallen asleep. "Love you baby..." I whispered before hanging up, not knowing how much longer I could last without her.

Zayn: "Another day and I'm somewhere new. I made a promise that I'll come home soon. Bring me back, bring me back to you."

"Hey boo, it's me. You're probably asleep but I just wanted to let you know that we've landed in LA. It's our last show and honestly, I'm kinda grateful. I miss you so much and as much fun as I'm having, I'm also really looking forward to getting back home to you. Everyone is getting pretty tired, our energy is running low. But it's all worth it. We've had a blast, the fans have been great. You should've heard them sing along last night, man it was so amazing. It almost brought a tear to my eye. But anyways, I'm really looking forwards to see you again. Skype just doesn't do it anymore. One more sleep boo. One more sleep and I'll be there. I swear I'm gonna hug you so tight and so long. You'll probably get sick of me. Kidding, kidding... but I will be clingy. I know you don't mind that to an extent. Anyways... baby I gotta go. We're on the way to the arena for rehearsal and then the show. You'll probably be waking up pretty soon so just remember that I love you to the ends of this earth and farther. I'll be thinking of you tonight. Have a wonderful day baby. Love you."

Louis: "The pieces of us both, under every city light. And they're shining as we fade into the night."

(His P.O.V.)

"I can't believe I'm home..." I said, looking at her tired face, still beautiful as ever. The moonlight hit it just perfectly through the curtains, lighting up her face just enough so I could see the happy sparkle in her eyes. "I'm so glad you are... I missed you so much," she replied just above a whisper. I lifted my hand to brush some loose hair from her face. Kissing her forehead, I let my lips linger. "I missed you too." The room grew silent again as I pulled my lips back slightly from her to look into her eyes. I know it must've been kind of strange for staring, but I was just starting to notice the little things again. The tiny freckles on her cheeks and her pink soft lips. I noticed how her pupils took up most of her iris, considering it was dark, but it made her look more childish in a way. A good way of course. This girl could have anything on or any little blemish and she'd still look amazing. It felt amazing to be able to touch her again, to feel the softness of her skin as I brushed my fingertips over it, causing small goose bumps to rise. Her eyes began to droop as she tried to fight away sleep. But she just couldn't. "Sleep sweetheart. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere for a very long time," I reassured, wanting to make sure she had a good sleep. (Y/N) simply nodded, a lazy grin on her lips as she shut her eyes, falling asleep almost instantly. My sweet angel... My god how I've missed this girl.

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