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Louis: ...You two are not communicating anymore...."Emma, can you go to your room with your brother, please?" You ask softly as you watch your five year old daughter and your three year old son run up to their rooms to play. You turned to Louis who sat on the couch, staring at the wall. "I want a divorce." You say suddenly, snapping him out of his train of thought. His eyes immediately dart over to you. "Excuse me?" He asks, his voice growing with each syllable. "That's a load of bullshit, (Y/N)." He says, getting up and walking over to you. "Oh, so you do still have feelings for me?" You question. "I couldn't tell because you've been shutting me out for almost a month." You snap. He shakes his head and stares at you. "You're not leaving, I'm not leaving, everyone is staying, got it? We're not ripping this family apart." He says, pulling you into a hug. "I'm sorry I've been so rude lately...." He whispers. "Yeah, you should be." You sigh. "I'll change, I swear."

Niall: ....He's been drinking again...."Niall, that's it. I want a divorce." You say calmly, walking past the drunken boy who laid across the couch. "Whoa, what?" He shouted. That sobered him up real quick...You thought to yourself. "You heard me." You snap, continuing to walk through your house. He grabbed your wrist, pulling you to his chest. "You're right...You're absolutely right. I've been drinking too much and it's not fair of me to put you through this." He says, staring you in the eyes. "Just please...I can't lose you. I can't lose you. You're my baby....You're my girl." He says, tears threatening to spill over. You stare at him and let out a shaky breathe. "You've got to stop this." You mumble. "I can't take this anymore." He nods and peppers your forehead with kisses. "I promise. I absolutely promise."

Liam: ....There's more cheating rumors...."Why are you so gullible for all this shit?" He yells, throwing the magazine down. "You always believe this shit over your own husband!" He screams, staring at you with wide eyes. You stood there, fighting back the tears that threatened to escape. "I want a divorce." You say with a shaky voice. He freezes and stares at you before dropping his arms to his side. "W-What?" He stutters. "What did you just say?" He asks again. "I want a divorce. I can't take this fighting and you screaming at me every five minutes." You say, the tears spilling from your eyes. "Hey hey hey hey, baby I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." He says, rushing to your side. "I didn't mean it...shit, I'm so sorry (Y/N). Please, please, please don't leave me." He says, brushing your hair from your face. "Don't...I just need to be alone right now." You mumble, pushing past him to your bedroom.

Zayn: ....He's out almost every night...."I'm not gone every night!" He shouts, his eyes looking like they were going to pop out of his head. "Okay, sorry, I forgot. You're out almost every day too!" You say, rolling your eyes at him. "You know what...If you don't want to be around me I want a divorce." You say without thinking. The next thing you know is that you're being pushed up against the wall, your arms pinned above you as Zayn's lips attach to your neck. You instantly melt in his arms, your previous thoughts drifting out of your mind. "Don't...ever...say that...again." Zayn says between kisses. "Don't." He almost hisses. You stay silent as you close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lips on you. "Then don't leave me here all alone." You manage to get out. "Deal." He growls before carrying you to the bedroom.

Harry: ....You feel like he loves his job more than you..."Harry, you spend more time with those boys than you do with me! I get that you have to, but c'mon! Not every waking minute with them!" You shout. He shakes his head and laughs coldly. "Not everything is about you, (Y/N). Hate to break it to you." He says, walking towards the kitchen. "Here we go again, walking away from everything. That solves the problem." You say sarcastically. "Sarcasm doesn't solve the problem either." He fires back. "Why are we even together anymore? All we do is fight!" You shout, staring at him. "Might as well get a divorce." You say, walking towards the stairs. He stopped dead in his tracks, turning and staring at you. "Take that back...You didn't mean it." He mumbles. "Why take back something that's the truth?" You shout, walking up to your room. He followed you quickly and grabbed you by the waist, kissing you softly. "I'm sorry...From now on...You're the only thing on my mind. The only thing."

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