342. BSM-You have your period and ask one of the other boys to get you pads

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Zayn(Age 12, Your POV):

My brother and the boys were downstairs, i was upstairs watching a movie. I felt a cramp in my stomach so i went to the toilet already knowing what it was, i looked in the cupboard realising there was no tampons. i couldn't tell Zayn he would never let me forget it. i got my phone and texted down to Liam

"Liam, keep quiet, i need you upstairs NOW"

You heard the footsteps come up the stairs and knock on the bathroom door

Liam: (YN)?

You went to the door and poked your head out

You: Liam i need you to do something for me

Liam: okay whats up?

You: i need you too go get me tampons, please don't tell zayn he will tease me about it

Liam nodded understanding what your brother was like

Liam: be back soon love

you smiled knowing Liam always had your back

Liam(Age 13, Your POV):

I was out with my brother Liam and his bandmate Niall, we were shopping and i could feel my stomach hurting but i tried to ignore it, i finally gave in and told them that i was going to the toilet. i realised in there why i had been getting the stomach cramps and rushed out where i saw Niall

You: Niall wheres my brother

Niall: he went to the loo

You: Niall we need to go home

Niall: why

I whispered in his ear the situation

Niall: wait here and tell your brother i will get them for you

Niall rushed off and my brother came out and i told him, Niall came back a few minutes later and handed me a shopping bag, i rushed to the bathroom and sorted myself out, i was so grateful to Niall

Niall(Age 12, Your POV):

Niall: now behave for Harry okay?

I nodded, my brother was going out with Greg so Harry had to babysit me. He left and i walked into the room

Harry: So (YN) what do you wanna do?

You: Movies?

Harry: haha sure go and pick some and i will get the popcorn

You: okay!

i rushed upstairs to my room when i felt a pain in my stomach, instantly knowing what it was i went to the bathroom and my luck ran out, no pads, great.

You: urrr Harry?

Harry: yeh

You: come up here

i saw him make his way up the stairs and look at me as my head was poking out of the bathroom door

Harry: you okay?

You: ermm i kinda... i need some... urm pads

He went bright red as did i

Harry: haha sure babe i will go and get some

He came back 15 minutes later and we watched movies all night till Niall came back drunk

Harry(Age 13, Your POV):

i wasn't shy when it came to my period, all the boys knew when i had it, i didn't really care. My brother Harry had gone out to get pizza while the rest of the boys were downstairs, i went to the bathroom. i had just started and i didn't have any tampons


i was close to Louis so he rushed upstairs and stood outside the door

Louis: (YN) whats up?

You: i need tampons

Louis: oh lovely haha, want me to get you some

You: please

i heard him go back downstairs and out the door, he returned a while later and gave them to me and i acted like nothing happened

Louis(Age 12):

You were at the shoot for 1D's new music video, you brother had dragged you along so you were super bored while they were filming. You went to the bathroom because of the cramps you were getting and you had your period, you didn't have any pads so you texted Zayn

"Zayn get to the womens bathroom NOW!"

You were close to Zayn so it wasn't really embarrassing and plus if you asked your brother he would let the whole world know, You heard him knock a few minutes later

Zayn: (YN)?

You: i need pads

Zayn: oh right i will go get you some

You: thanks Zayn

Zayn: no problem kiddo

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