370. You're in an abusive relationship Part 2

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Niall: The next day, after a horrible night of crying yourself to sleep, you felt just as scared of your boyfriend, who in your mind was already your ex. You would never go back to him. Niall however, had no idea what your intentions were. The thought of you leaving his home, and going back to the man who'd beaten you, scared him. So after fixing you a glass of water, he walked into the guest room you'd slept in. "[Y/N], please remember what you told me last night. I don't know what you're thinking now, but don't go back to him. I love you so much, and I don't want to see you hurt by him." You shook your head, as Niall handed you the glass, "I'm not going back. I can't. He's done this for so long, and I made excuses. So many excuses..." You stopped for a moment, as a lump formed in your throat, "But I'm done now. I won't go back. I just don't know where I'll stay until I can find a place..." Niall didn't let you get another word in, "You'll stay here, even if it's months. I don't mind." You smiled at him, "Thank you. You're the most amazing friend, and I'm so, so glad I have you right now. I really need you."

Harry: Your emotions were all over the place. You knew Harry was right. You loving your boyfriend did not mean he loved you. He hit you. He hurt you. How could you still claim he loved you? You knew what was right, but you just didn't want it to be. So you argued. "You're only saying that out of jealously! Everyone always tells me you're so mad that I didn't date you!" "Sure, I like you," Harry didn't deny the truth, "I have for a long time. But I'm not jealous of him. Well I am, but that has nothing to do with this. My feelings for you make no difference. He leaves bruises on you. My feelings mean nothing here [Y/N]. What matters is that you deserve so much better than him." You rolled your eyes, and crossed your arms, "What, you?" "No, just anyone who wouldn't hurt you. Please leave him [Y/N]. He's hurting you, and that's not right." You wished that it was anyone else telling you this, maybe then it would have been easier for you to hear. From Harry, it was so hard. When you began to cry, you wanted to disappear, "I know you're right. I know, okay. I love him, but that's not enough to stay, is it?" "It's not," Harry answered carefully, "He hits you, and that's the only thing that matters here."

Louis: You ignored Louis' comments for so long. He was wrong. He had to be. You convinced yourself that your boyfriend loved you. You convinced yourself that despite his anger at times, the two of you would be okay, and would be together forever. It was your way of dealing with it, and it drove Louis crazy. You pushed him away, as he tried to tell you over and over to leave. You just didn't want to hear it. You were so convinced you were happy, when you were so far from it. That facade all vanished though, on the night your boyfriend's anger went to a whole new level. It wasn't a simple bruise. You felt your entire body aching horribly from the punches that he'd thrown at you. Once he was gone, you called the first person you thought of, with tears in your eyes, "I'm sorry Louis. I'm sorry. You were right. Please, please don't say I told you so. I need you to come get me. I can't drive. It hurts so badly. Please. Please." Not a second passed before Louis answered, "I'm on my way."

Liam: You had many panic attacks that night, after Liam told you he would protect you. How could he? Your ex was crazy, he'd shown that by beating you the way he had. What if he showed up here? You felt so alone and scared. You woke up shaking, feeling like you could scream. It was the middle of the night, and you knew Liam was sound asleep, but you needed to speak to him. You left the guest room, and went into his room quietly, "Liam?" He was still awake as well, unable to sleep due to worrying over you. "Can't sleep either?" "I'm so scared. You said you'd protect me, but how can you? What if he comes here? I'm just so paranoid over him." Liam motioned for you to sit down on the bed next to him, and you quickly did, and snuggled close to your best friend. "[Y/N], I promise I will protect you, and I mean that. He's not going to come here. I know you're worried, but I promise, you're safe now. he can't hurt you anymore." "Can I just sleep in here? I don't want to be alone." Liam nodded softly, "Of course. And I mean it [Y/N], he'll never hurt you again. I won't let him close enough to." You closed your eyes, as you rested your head on him, "I'm going to trust you."

Zayn: "How can you say it's not my fault? We are always fine, and then I do something to upset him." Your explanation sounded right in your mind, but to Zayn it sounded like the craziest thing he'd ever heard. "Do you hear yourself [Y/N]? You annoy him, so it's okay to hit you?" "No, it's not, but he just.... he gets so stressed, and I make it worse. It's not an excuse, but I just know he doesn't mean it." Zayn shook his head in disbelief, "You can't actually believe what you're saying. No matter what you do, there is no reason to ever hit you. Nothing. It doesn't matter." "But.." "It's not your fault he's doing this." "But..." "It's not your fault." "It is." You had said those words for so long, you had convinced yourself they were true, but Zayn was slowing breaking that away. "It's not your fault." "It is... He loves me, but.." "If he loves you, he'd never hit you. He doesn't love you. He pretends to love who he wants you to be, and when you're not that, he snaps." Those words really hit you, and tears formed in your eyes. Something in those simple words finally got through. "He doesn't love me, does he?" "I'm sorry," Zayn said, watching as everything crashed down on you, "But it'll be okay, you just have to leave, and it'll be okay."

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