382. You like him & he likes someone else Part 3

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Liam: You had known all along it was a bad idea to tell Liam the truth about your feelings for him. After you spilled all your thoughts, he avoided you for days; only making you feel worse than you'd ever felt before. Hiding your feelings and lying to him, now did not seem like such a bad thing. After those long few days, where you wished so badly you could take it all back, he finally showed up at your door, and quickly spoke when he saw how hurt you looked. "I'm sorry [Y/N]. I was shocked. I never thought you had those feelings for me." "I shouldn't have told you," you replied, hating how awkward it now felt to be in the same room with your best friend. It shouldn't be that way. "I'm not mad you told me. I just needed time to think about it. I'm with her right now, but if - when we break up, maybe - maybe we can try."

Louis: You were utterly stunned by Louis' confession. It took you a few long moments to truly realize what he'd just admitted to you. "You - you like me?" "I know I shouldn't tell you this. We have a good friendship, and I don't want to ruin that at all. It's okay that you don't feel the same way. As soon as I realized it, I knew I had to tell you though. I thought I liked her, but really I just liked that she reminded me of you. She's not you though." You wanted to speak, but found it hard to form any words. "I'm sorry [Y/N]." As you watched Louis' heartbreak clearly written on his face, you finally found your voice. Though not many words came out, enough did. "I like you too."

Zayn: Day after day Zayn tried to figure out who you were talking about. He listed many of your friends, any he could think of, all of whom you quickly told him did not like him in that way. "Who then? Do you think I may like her?" A forced smile stayed on your face as you answered, "No. You don't like her." "Just tell me who it is." "Then she'll be rejected." "It's not like she'll know you told me," Zayn replied, not seeing the big deal in him knowing who had a crush on him. She would never have to know he knew. "She will." "How?" You found yourself unable to look at your best friend, as the words left your lips, "She'll be the one telling you." "[Y/N]... it's.... you?" "Yes," you nodded, feeling tears in your eyes. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

Niall: The days passed by so slowly, as you waited for what felt like a long enough time for Niall to get over his heartbreak. After almost 2 long months passed, and Niall seemed to be completely over his ex, you decided it was time. "Niall," you started slowly, having waited so long for this very moment. You wanted to tell him before he fell for someone else yet again. "What?" "I wanted to um, well, I wanted to tell you for a while now, but I wanted to wait for the right time." Niall looked at you confused, "What?" "I um, would you ever consider going out with me?" "On a date?" he asked, pure shock in his voice. You nodded your head awkwardly. Niall was surprised by that, but it did not take him long to answer, "I would love to go out with you [Y/N]."

Harry: "I'm sorry she got mad," you told Harry, quickly sitting down on your couch when you got home, "I really didn't expect you to come with me. I just wanted to leave." Harry was clearly upset over how his girlfriend had acted, and didn't hide that in his response, "I'm almost glad you did. To see her act like that, at least I know." "She was a little paranoid," you replied, "I mean, she thought you were looking at me!" "She was right though, but you just looked awful, and I was so worried," Harry answered, before he sat down next to you. You smiled, enjoying th thought that he had been so concerned for you; and then your deepest thoughts poured out of you mouth. "She was right about me too. I was so jealous being there, seeing you with her." "You were?" Harry asked, shocked. He was still trying to get over her freakout, and now to hear this, it was a lot in one day. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that!" A moment passed, and suddenly Harry's lips collided with yours; and any thoughts you had quickly vanished.

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