343. You're Best Friends & Your Boyfriend Breaks Up With You

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Harry: "I'm sorry (Y/N), but I just don't think this is working out," your current boyfriend said. "What? Why?" you replied, tears beginning to fall down your cheeks. "I've just lost my feelings for you. I don't know why... I'm sorry. I'll go now." You were full out crying now. The minute he shut the front door, you were on your phone, calling up your best friend Harry. "Hey (Y/N)! What's up?" Harry answered cheerfully. "Can you come over please? I need to talk to you," you said with a shaky voice. "Are you okay?" he asked, his cheerful voice changing to a concerned one. "Please Harry, just come." "I'm on my way, I'll be there as soon as I can." And with that he hung up. You put your phone down and went back to crying. It wasn't long until there was a knock on the door. You shuffled your feet as you made your way to open it. When you did, there stood Harry. "C'mere (Y/N)..." He held open his arms and you walked right into them, letting the tear fest continue. "It's okay, I'm here... let's go to the couch yeah?" He pulled back and took you to the couch. He sat you on his lap and your buried your face in his neck as he stroked your arm. "I'm sorry Harry, I didn't know who else to call," you said, calming down a bit. "Hey! It's okay... You're my best friend and I know you'd do the same for me." You nodded and gave a weak smile. "(Y/N)..." he breathed out. Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. You were in complete shock when he pulled away, but you couldn't help but feel somewhat happy. "I'm sorry... I-I..." "Harry it's okay," you reassured. "That was actually nice," you said, feeling the blush rise to your face. "What?" he asked. You answered with another kiss and he kissed back. "Does that answer your question?" He nodded, a big smile appearing on his face. "Did you feel it? A... spark?" You nodded. He kissed you again and it wouldn't be the last.

Liam: You and Liam were finally catching up on all your missed movie nights. You haven't been able to have any ever since you started dating your boyfriend. Liam had told you from the beginning that he wasn't a good person, but you always put it off as him being jealous. When you moved in with your boyfriend, that's when things started going downhill. He started getting very controlling and refusing to let you leave the house without him. You thought it was a phase of him just being scared to lose you, but it crossed a line when he told you weren't allowed to see Liam anymore. You told him to forget it and stormed out of the house, and now... here you were. Finding Nemo was on the TV when there was a knock on Liam's door. He got up from the couch and went to answer it. You heard a small discussion and the Liam called for you. You too got up and went to see who it was. It was your boyfriend. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" he asked, slightly annoyed. "I'm hanging out with Liam, what does it look like?" "I told you, you aren't allowed to see him." Liam was standing off to the side looking like a lost puppy. "You don't control me (Y/BF/N)," you said, starting to get agitated with his behavior. "Oh yeah? Well then I guess we're done. You can pick up your stuff later. I don't need someone who doesn't want to spend time with me." And with that he left you standing there shocked. "D-Did I just get dumped?" you said, more to yourself then anything. Liam walked over to you without any words and wrapped you up in a comforting hug. "Shh, (Y/N), it's gonna be okay," he soothed. "No it's not Li! I have nowhere to go! All my stuff is at his house!" you sobbed into him. You felt him sigh. "You can stay here... with me," he offered. You pulled back a little to look at him. He had a soft smile on his face. "Really Li?" "Of course! I can't just let you fend for yourself in a time like this. That wouldn't be fair." You started crying again, but this time with happiness and relief. "Thank you so much!" And you hugged him again. A couple days later, you went with him to pick up your stuff. Your boyfriend answered the door and let you grab your stuff without a word. It was awkward but you were glad that at least Liam was with you. The two of you left in another awkward silence. "So, (Y/N)... I was wondering... since you don't have anywhere to go and you're staying with me anyways, would you just want to move in permanently? I mean, I have lots of room and I wouldn't be alone anymore. Plus we're best friends so it wouldn't be as awkward and..." You couldn't help it anymore. You cut off his ramble by kissing him. On the lips. At first he was frozen but then started kissing back. You felt something you never felt with your ex. "(Y/N)..." "I love you Liam! I have for so long." His smile grew. "I've been waiting so long to hear that. I love you too!" And with that you shared another kiss that wouldn't be the last.

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