340. Baths

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Harry- "Harry, you didn't have too." You sighed with a evident smile behind your hands. He turned off the running water, candles reflecting off the smooth bath water. "I wanted to." He chuckled, taking both hands in his. Sliding them up your arms, cheekily pulling off your sweater. Quickly pulling off his own. Throwing the rest of your clothes into a messy pile. "Shall we get in?"

Niall- Bags under your eyes were prominent as you looked over yourself in the mirror. Watching Niall make a bath for the two of you in its reflection. "Babe, it's ready." His Irish accent thick from lack of sleep. "Thank you sweetie." You let the white fluffy towel fall from your body before getting into the warm water. "Join me, Niall." "Right behind you." He scooted over you to pulling you between his legs. Rubbing your tense back free of knots. "Do you feel better?" You hummed a response, leaning back on his shoulder. "Lots."

Louis- "Macy!" You screamed at your four year old who thought it was funny to splash water. "You silly girl." You laughed, "Lou, can you hand me the shampoo?" You asked, he nodded with a "mhm." Holding Macy with one hand, grabbing the baby shampoo with another. You squirted some in your hand, running your long fingers through her long locks. "Ready!" You yelled, Louis eyes went wide. "Ready?" He mimicked to your little girl. She squealed, hitting his chest. "Hold your breathe." Before dunking her fast.

Liam- You patted some soup on Liam's chin, laughing at the result. "You- look- like- Santa." You sputtered out with heaving breathes in-between. Liam chuckled, pulling your forcefully on his bare lap. "Ho, Ho, Ho and what would you like for Christmas?" "You." You whispered. Giving him a long kiss on the lips.

Zayn- "Can I do it?" He asked, you nodded handing over the body wash. Zayn squirted some in his hand, rubbing it along the indent of your spine, all the way up to your shoulders. You smiled as delicate kiss were left here in there. Biting your lip, you splashed water in his direction making him screech. "No. You. Didn't." "Yes. I. Did." You spat back, splashing again. "You're going to pay." He hummed, taking the bucket and pouring all over your once dry hair.

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