389. He Mentions Marriage

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Harry: "This is shit." Harry's loud voice could be heard through the house. The door slammed, and he walked into the open living room. He was obviously mad. His hands running though his hair. The magazine in his hand crumpled into a tube. He threw it on the table in front of you. After flatting it out you read the cover. 'Harry Styles Womanizer Cheats Again!' "UGH" he growled the veins in his neck bulging. "Babe, babe" you grabbed each side of his stubble covered jaw. "I know it's not true. I trust you. It doesn't matter what they say." You stared right into his green eyes, the sparkle that is usually there is gone, trying to reassure him. But he wasn't having it. He stepped away from your grip. "No Y/N, you don't deserve this. They make it look like your in it for the money. Or that you just sit back and let it happen. It's not fair to you. It's shit. I love you and only you. Why cant they see that?" He was speaking quickly now rattling off anything that came to mind. "Maybe if we just got married, everyone would stop bothering us." He had you tongue tied. Not only was he just pouring out all his thoughts, he brought up marriage. He fell onto the couch, and you were immediately at his side. You laid next to him with your head on his chest. "Just relax Haz, as long as its just you and me , nothing else matters."

Liam: After spending all night at the club with the other boys, Harry and Niall shuffled into your flat with Liam in between. Each of his arms over their shoulders. "Hey Y/N" They tried to act innocent, but it was no use. They got Liam wasted, specifically against your request. He had to be up early, and it was always hard for him when he's hung over. "Just go home" You waved them away after they set his intoxicated body onto the couch. "Liam, babe? You wanna go to bed?" You asked. "Oh.. my... Y/N. Where did youuu come from?" He slurred his words. there is no doubt that he's trashed. "Come with me Li." You pulled one of his arms with all you had in attempts to get him up. After a long bumpy struggle to the bedroom, you pushed him down onto the bed falling down on top of him. "Woah there." He slurred. "I don't know who you are... But I have a girlfriend... A very pretty girlfriend. And I plan on marrying her one day, so I don't need you messing this up." His eyes were closed as he spoke. He rolled over onto his side and passed out. 'Marry me?' His words echoed in your mind all night.

Niall: Niall brought you to Greg's wedding as a date. He looked so adorable standing up there next to his older brother. He really worked the pink tie. He fidgeted anxiously as the ceremony progressed. Every now and then he makes faces at you sitting in the pew. After the ceremony Niall bounced down to your side, taking your hand in his and bringing it to his lips to kiss. "Jeez, Niall your hands are sweaty." You commented. "I'm nervous about my speech." He looked nervous, his face red, he bit the inside of his cheek, and he couldn't stop fidgeting. "Ni, You preform in front of hundreds of thousands of people every night and your nervous about this? Everyone here loves you, and no one cares if you mess it its ok. No one's judging you. I know you'll do great, I know you will." He rolled his shoulders and shook his arms. "Your right  Princess, I don't know what id do without you... I love you." He gave you a quick peck on the lips before whispering into your ear. "I cant wait till the day you walk down the isle, and make me the happiest man in the world."

Louis: His POV Y/N looks so happy, surrounded by her family. You were visiting her family, and they organized an entire dinner for her homecoming. She has her baby niece on her hip. Tickling her tiny feet. The way her eyes light up when the small girl laughs makes your heart race. The other children running around her feet. She would be a perfect mother. The kids seem to radiate to her. "Who wants to play a game?" She asked pulling the baby up farther up onto her side. "Hide and seek" one of the younger boys called out. "Ok, ill count first, go hide, I know this house has some god spots." Her laugh was infectious. When the children scattered she came over to me side. "You ok?" She asked. Her eyes gleaming. "Yeah, I'm great." She didn't believe you. Raising a perfect eyebrow at you. "I am I was just thinking. I cant wait till we get married and start a family of our own." Her face softened at your confession, and she smiled. "Well, were supposed to be seeking so, Ill talk to you in a little bit." She was trying to hide the smile on her face, as she turned around. I'm defiantly going to marry her one day.

Zayn: About an hour before The boys flight was supposed to leave for Australia, management said they rather you not come with so you were forced to stay behind. You got a phone call. "Yes, Zayn?" "Babe, will you do me a favor please?" He begged over the phone. He knew you would say yes. "Of course." He sighed in relief. "Great, can you bring me my red Nike jumper, and that picture of you that I like so much." "Yeah I can, ill be there in half an hour." Your were going to hang up but he spoke again. "And could you go to the store and pick up some of them cookies you bought the other day?" The list went on and on. "One last thing boo, pack a bag because I want you to come with. I already miss you. I cant even imagine two months without you." You can't believe your ears, you were going to be able to go with Zayn. "Management said I could come?" You asked excitement filling you voice. "I will figure that out later. Just get here quick, I miss you." You could hear the other boys laughing in the background. He musty have forgotten to hang up because you heard them talking. "Zayn's whipped," Niall mocked. "Your gonna get your ass shredded when management finds out." Liam laughed. "You guys laugh now, but one day I'm going to marry her and your all gonna be lonely. Watch bro."

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