376. His parents walk in on you having sex

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Louis: You could barely even think at all whenever Louis' door opened, and his mom stepped into the room. Your mind went blank. You could just see you both laying there, him on top of you, both of you with not a single pice of clothes on; and his mother walking into the room. That thought was why your mind was blank. It was all you could think of, and you did not want to think of that. "[Y/N], are you going to talk to me?" Louis asked, after several minutes. He was already dressed, and yet you were still lying there in shock. "I-I... That was so awful." "I know," he felt horrible. He knew all 3 of you were so embarrassed, and he wished he could go back in time and lock the door behind you, "I'm sorry." You glanced over at him, "I am never going to be able to face your mom again. It's going to be so awkward now." He sighed, "Maybe we'll all forget one day." "I don't think so..."

Zayn: "It's not that horrible. I mean, she knows you're my girlfriend. She's the one who walked into my house without even knocking, and then came into my room. She should be embarrassed, not us." Zayn was just saying all of that to calm you down. However, he was just as embarrassed about his mom walking in on the two of you, despite what he was saying. And you knew that, and did not want to hear what he was saying. Actually, you did not want to hear anything at all about this. "Please don't talk about it. Please, please. I cannot believe that happened. I'm so embarrassed Let's please talk about anything else. The weather. Dinner. Anything else. Please." Zayn was fine with that. Changing the subject seemed like a good idea. "Okay then, where do you want to go for supper?"

Liam: You and Liam were together for the first time in months, and you were so incredible happy over him being home, that you thought nothing could get your mind off of how amazing he looked, and how badly you'd missed you. You were so in the moment that you did not even hear as his mother knocked on his door softly. She was only trying to see if he wanted her to help with all the clothes he had from tour that needed to be washed; she had no idea you were even there. As soon as the door was open though, she saw both of you lying in bed, with Liam on top of you, and she instantly slammed the door, and screamed sorry. That was when you both realized she'd been in the room. Once she was already gone. Embarrassment instantly set it for both of you. "That was your mom?!" Liam could not even answer you. He just got out of bed, and quickly put his clothes on. You continued to lay there though, in shock, "I can not believe that happened."

Niall: Niall was trying to stay calm. He could see you were panicking over his father walking in on the two of you, and all he wanted was to calm you down. Panicking as well would not help, he knew that, as badly as he wanted to. "It's okay." "It's not! How was the door not locked?!" He shook his head, "I don't know. I thought I locked it when we came in. I'm sorry [Y/N]." You felt so weird as you thought over what had just occurred. It had all happened so quickly; the door opened, and within a second you both saw his shocked father standing there, before he slammed the door as swiftly as possible. You grabbed your clothes out of Niall's hands, after he picked them up for you off the floor, "I just want to get dressed, and get out of here." You knew his father was still in the home somewhere, and you just wanted to leave, and forget how embarrassed you felt. Niall nodded, "Yeah, let's go."

Harry: Embarrassment barely covered what you were feeling as Harry reached to grab your clothes off of his floor, while still laying in bed himself. You had covers over your body, but you still felt like his mom and stepfather, who had stepped into the room only seconds ago, could see everything. They were saying nothing, just trying to quickly turn and leave the room. That did not help at all though. You had never felt this level of wanting to run away from somewhere ever before. If you could disappear by throwing the covers over yourself, you would have done so. It sounded like a good option to you. This was something you never wanted to relive again. As soon as they were gone, and you regained your composure, you glared at Harry, "Lock your door next time!"

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