Steve Finding Out That Bucky Likes The Reader

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A/N: Obviously an Au where everything is nice and sweet.

Prompt: Steve Finds Out That Bucky Likes The Reader

Bucky finds the reader to be just plain adorable, but of course, he wants to keep it quiet.

- I just love them (Steve and Bucky) behaving so sweetly and brotherly, which includes even the most annoying parts of the relationship.

- So, Steve being a butt

Word Count: 2603

Little Crush

"She's so cute," Bucky murmured in a low, soft breath as his eyes devotedly followed (f/n) while she traveled through the room with a very entertaining, little spring to her step.

The brainless, small utter went ignored by her as she continued to prance, the buds of her headphones in both ears as she brushed by the two men in the room, carefully weaving herself around them in a way the brunette found to be completely enticing.

In his tranced state, the last word he'd spoken before she made herself known was forgotten altogether as he near melted, not knowing anything else but her.

'-She really is,' Bucky mused as he caught sight of the sweet perk of the mouth she wore, the little grin present as she sang along to her favorite song.

He strained to listen to her melodic murmurs, catching only little huffs of what was the sound of her singing voice quieted down to a soft hum and little whispers of scattered words he had an urge to listen to out loud and without shame.

'Everything about her,' He added mindlessly, not finding a single imperfection to dwell upon.

Again and again, the thought would arise, and by then he didn't fight himself on the matter, the man simply going along with the little, fluttery feeling she filled him with, because he'd quickly discovered how much more frustrating it was to turn the other way.

It hadn't taken him long before he'd come to the conclusion that every single attempt to ignore her, and much worse, simply draw away, led him right back to the place he was before.

His short moment of daze was escaped just as the woman left, and as he crashed down from his little high, it was only then that he'd realized that his short, careless utter had had an attentive witness.

His own spoken words tauntingly echoed within his mind, and during then another breath left him, though lacking in any words, simply escaping with what was a shutter that then left him still.

the hand that had been reaching towards the cup before him suddenly fell stiff as his steel-colored eyes widened, all while his stomach dropped so quickly he felt sick.

'Shit,' He cursed while biting his lip anxiously, visibly grimacing.

He had hoped that the simple comment would have just flown over his friend's head, but it seemed as though the damage had been done because beside him he heard his blonde-haired buddy nearly choked on his morning coffee.

"Did I just hear you right?" Steve replied while dragging his right hand over the bottom portion of his face, wiping the spilled drink with a smile that seemed unbothered by the incident and was, in fact, exited instead.

During then his brightened blue eyes found the other male's frantic fleeting ones, searching for the truth within the gaze even while they moved to avoid contact.

Having no way out, Bucky held in an irritated groan, deciding he might as well fess up about a thought he'd been having for a little more than over a year now, reasoning that perhaps the squeeze in his chest would ease if he let just a bit of his heart speak.

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