On a Rainy day

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She finds him drenched with rain, just knowing she couldn't leave him behind.FIxed // Edited.

Word Count: 2647

Italics are a person's thoughts ' sample.'

On A Rainy Day

The sound of clapping thunder echoed throughout the heavens, ringing loudly in her ears as well, bringing forth soft shivers that coursed down her spine at the roaring noise.

As a child, the sound had brought her terrors, but now she only felt the slight reminiscence as an effect; An aftershake and nothing more.

Just barely creeping past the dry safety beneath the coverage under the classic, black umbrella, her empty hand sneaked out to feel the rain.

The cool droplets that landed on her outstretched hand felt relaxing and made her smile daintily as the chilly freshness of the wet touch felt good against her warm palm.

Hearing sounds of splashes and squealing, she then began to take notice of the rest of the world around her, and as she looked about, she saw countless people struggling to find safety from the falling crystalline droplets.

Admittedly, they reminded her of a frenzied colony of ants, scattering and running in all directions after someone disturbed their calculatedly built dirt homes, and she found a frail amusement at the sight.

As her eyes carried on from viewing the fleeting people with interest, they soon stopped on a sole figure.

She had noticed that all but one person remained concerned by the rainfall.

He didn't bother to run off for safety, or even look up at the murky skies and heavy clouds in the same wonder as she had. Instead, he remained motionless and still, caught beneath the downpour and stationed under a thin, young tree.

Curiously, she watched him sit alone as he was accompanied by no other soul at his side. He was paid no heed by anyone but herself, almost like he was an invisible entity to the rest of the world, living between the spaces of reality for everyone else.

She could see why he wasn't their concern, because he probably wasn't a priority to others as they focused more on scattering away to safety.

In fact, she too should have been amongst the crowd to find shelter. She should have also been urged to make her way home, or at least make her way into a building, but she couldn't walk past him, especially not after she had caught sight of him.

There was a great ' should be ' that had been taken into consideration and yet, she stayed, keeping her same glance towards the lonesome man because, in all honesty, she couldn't pretend he didn't exist.

Beneath what little coverage the young tree gave him, he remained isolated from the world with only himself and his thoughts, and often, she wondered just how much burden weighed over his presently slumped shoulders when all he did was remain silent, mainly keeping to himself like a lone wolf.

When she'd catch sight of him she would wonder just what lay beyond the depths of those pretty, yet melancholic blue eyes.

What made him sit alone for so long?

What made that heart-wrenching look in those lovely hues come forth like heavy tidal waves?

- What did he keep quiet?

As for now, the beautiful drops were set downcast, hidden beneath a curtain of dampened hair. They weren't visible to her, and yet, she already knew the dull look that married them was present because it had been engraved in her memory now, causing ripples in her heart at the recollection.

Bucky Barnes x reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now