Brush Up

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Tinsie-Winsie Idea: Bucky decides to teach (f/n) some hand to hand.

A stupid little thing I thought of and sped through. NGL I kinda wish I would have made it longer, and spent more time on it, but what can you do.

Word count: 1394

Thoughts are italics in quotations = 'Example'

Flashbacks are in italics = Example

So before we start they are in a Double Nelson / Full nelson position.

Brush up

(F/n)'s face immediately flooded with a bright burst of red, the color blossoming over her startled, little face, while simultaneously, a small lecherous whimper fell past her lips.

As she released the small, horny peep, Bucky stopped applying force, his eyes wide and filled with worry,

"(f/n)?" He asked with uncertainty, his own face set onto the same unsettled worry she possessed, "Are you alright?" He mumbled weakly, almost afraid to ask.

At the question (f/n) began to fret more, not quite able to answer the man properly, having trouble gathering the words,

"I-It's just... just... I can feel... your... you..." She struggled to say it, the fact that he was still holding her making the situation much more unbearable.

He'd stopped applying the pressure needed for the hold to take effect, and yet, still had her captured in a loose Neslon hold, waiting for there to reply.

'Jesus he's huge too,' She thought with a tickle of excitement, ashamed to be enjoying the brush-up, and to such a degree nonetheless. Granted she'd been tossing all over the mat with him for about an hour now, but it wasn't anything in comparison to actually feeling him so intimately pressed onto her.

Earlier her eyes had lingered down to the lower portion of his body, wrongly straying to the sight of the notable outline of his manhood drawn right onto his shark grey sweatpants.

'Maybe that's why I agreed so quickly,' She mused with a little, light nibble of her lip, knowing damn well that had it been anyone else who asked, she probably would have weaseled her way out of the lesson like she had so many times before.

However, during the time he asked, she'd been much more focused on how damn beautiful he was to actually find an excuse out,

"You can't rely on your powers all the time," He reasoned, giving her stern blue eyes, ones she struggled to keep contact as they fell onto other parts of his body instead.

She listened on, all while pouting, having heard the line before.

"Come on," he said with a chuckle, "You know I'm right," He pointed out, receiving the same sullen expression in return.

"Alright," He hummed, "I'll tell you what, I'll teach you myself," he offered her, smiling as he saw her take the offer into consideration, even if it as for just a second.

"We can start off real slow, practice on some small grapples and chokeholds. And after you've got the hang of them, I'll teach you to get out of them too." He added with a sure nod, willing to pass on all the knowledge he had.

She was truly grateful for not just his concern, as well as his willingness to teach her because she knew the idea came from concern,

'But still,' She huffed to herself, wondering just when in the world she'd be at the disadvantage where she couldn't use her enhanced abilities to save herself.

Bucky Barnes x reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now