Nightly encounter

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Summary; Being one of earth mightiest doesn't excuse someone from nightmares. The reader is struggling to find ease after a night terror. In her search for answers, she comes across someone else, who knows just how it feels.
It's a pretty dry little story, nothing too exciting, but just alil romantic.
Usually, people just go to the story, I do so myself, so I'll say now ;

Italics are a person's thoughts. example; 'sample.'
(f/n) , (l/n) = Reader's First Name, Last Name.
(e/c) = eye color
(h/c) = hair color
Timeskips and/ or changes in scenery are both identified by the little periods I put to separate them. While I do love filling space with a description about just every little thing, it can get tedious, forgive me.
I, of course, own nothing but the story itself. The characters mentioned and used are not property of me of course.
(read description for more.)
Ok, here we go.

She sat restlessly in the middle of the now uncomfortable bed with a rapidly pounding heartbeat. With a small hand tightly pressed on top of the accelerated muscle, she began to try and find a steady rhythm for her breath to take.

But it was a fruitless task...

The Darkness that surrounded the (h/c) haired young woman made her growing illusive mind play tricks on her, and soon enough her eyes dashed left and right in complete paranoia. Every inch of the room seemed to be infested by evil demons, all of which begged to dig their sharp, monstrous teeth into fresh human flesh. From across the room, she could almost swear upon everything holy in this land that evil eyes stared dead at her...eagerly waiting for her to near it and fall into a trap. "For god sakes, I'm an avenger damn it !" she said through gritted teeth, but as her eyes stared at the furthest corner, even more evil shapes began to swirl, manifesting into lanky creatures.

'Nope, nope, nope' she chanted in her head, trying to keep those maddening thoughts from overcoming her.

With haste she jumped from her bed, and quickly made a path outside of the room, deciding to not let her eyes fall anywhere but that path to freedom and in a few long strides she reached the outside of the room.

Standing motionlessly, she craned her neck back to glare at the closed door that lead to her room, and with that final glance back at the cursed room, she grimaced, not feeling too keen on returning so soon. She felt a chill run up her spine at the thought of returning and going back. Rigidly she turned back towards the direction of the kitchen, walking briskly.

Not too slow, but not too suspiciously quick...

' Maybe a bit of honey and milk will ease me, or some tea perhaps?' she pondered rubbing her warm hands over her goose-bump riddled arms. 'Or fuck it a drink? Can't really stay awake when you're completely sauced, can you?' She contemplated, trying to smile, though it was pretty much another failed attempt at comforting herself.

'A drink... yeah,' she decided. Anything to keep her at ease at this point. At her age, it felt ridiculous to have these nightmares. And at her status? it was just foolish.

"Earth's mightiest," she grumbled, dejectedly.

"I'm still the same wuss, "


There was not a soul in sight, which in a way didn't help the dark feeling of loneliness to fade. However, it was slightly to her taste, a way better deal. The last thing she needed was someone asking too many questions. She'd spill the beans and then the whole team would make her a laughing stock. She could already imagine all the jabs they'd take at her.

Though she had good relationships with the rest of the team, she knew it was something they wouldn't let drop so easily, and to think, all because She was having stupid little nightmares...

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