My Win

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I'd like to imagine her Suit to be something like Ghost (from Antman And the Wasp) I can't be the only one that thought she was majorly badass as fuck, right?

Flashbacks are in italics: Example

Thoughts are italics in quotes: 'Example'

Wordcount: 4520

Based During Civil war and afterward.

My Win

The sound of frothing, scalding water emitted from the ground as black ink began to manifest over the surface, forming a figure that bubbled into a barely recognizable humanoid form.

Startled, the two elder males stared at the bizarre oddity as the younger one took quick action, having moved far before the phenomenon had occurred.

Peter cried out in surprise, leaping up high and holding onto the ceiling with two slung out webs clutched in each hand, releasing a heavy, jolted breath as he sprung to safety. His arachnid senses spiked, and true to the creature he named himself after, he secured himself with caution from the hot zone as he felt a rise of danger and forbidding.

Something seemingly sinister arose from the ground's surface and a feeling of alarm struck the youth, making him recall every single horror movie he'd sat through, momentarily regretting ever having put himself through the thrilling torture.

'Monsters aren't real,'' he contemplated, '...But wait...aliens wouldn't they be real too?' His inward voice argued back, causing his thoughts to mash together.

With a dark mist still oozing out from it, the appearing body stood motionless at first, hidden eyes observing the two older men with sharp interest.

Parker swallowed down hard, gathering up all his confidence before deciding to speak, forcing out the words, "So...So...You're not here after me?... right?" he asked shakily, getting a declining nod at his question from the mysterious being.

"I'm here for...

winter soldier," it said lowly, voice distorted by the mask worn on its face. With a pointed finger aimed at the long-haired brunette, it turned over and signaled him to come towards it with patient, slow curls of its index.

" come to me...Winter Soldier," it said as it fizzled out his name like a speaking serpent, urging him to step forward into a vice hold.

Cautiously, Barnes stared at the signaling hand that slowly wagged it's finger at him as though he were a trained dog.

With his feet firmly planted to the ground, he tightened his fists, feeling his heart grow anxious, feeling it grow heavier than it had already been.

The sentiment traveled from him and struck the masked figure with full force. Stopping the louring motion abruptly, the enigmatic being left stunned instead,

'I can feel sorrow not grown from my chest... but all the same, it's nested within me.' (f/n) thought to herself, all whilst hiding her true face of growing sympathy behind her mask. Her hands both traveled up to hover over her chest, wanting to calm her lamenting heart's ache, but knowing it was futile because it hadn't come from her to begin with.

" One of you has a great burden," She murmured, the sound coming out as wicked as before, and instead of the soft words, distorted hissing was released out for others to hear.

'For me to be able to sense it...' She added silently, knowing her empathy wasn't a strong gift of hers. In fact, she wouldn't have known she had such a talent, if not for the scarce moments in her past she'd unknowingly utilized it.

Bucky Barnes x reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now