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Stupid really, but hey, give it a go. I'm so into this triangle.

It was a quick and easy thing I wanted to share.

Wordcount: 1350


"You have an apricot-like scent," Loki piped up suddenly, disrupting the young woman from her little show, directing all of her focus onto the Asgardian prince sitting beside her instead,

" Huh?" She said dumbly, caught off guard by his words.

She looked up at him, seeming confused by his sudden comment,

"Mmm...no," Loki mumbled, "That's not it either," He muttered, stuck in deep thought, ignoring her look of inquiry as well as her little confused sound.

His face then lit up with sudden triumph, one that only lasted a few seconds before he let his expression fall back into perplexion again,

"It's not quite that either." He said while sounding utterly stumped, huffing to show his frustration.

"What are you talking about?" (f/n) said with a raised eyebrow, huffing with amusement at his pouting face.

" ...You always have this certain smell to you, it's quite refreshing and warm," He commented, "And not to mention sweet, almost alluring, " he added while using his hands in gestures to better let her understand. " But I can't quite put my finger on it, so I can't exactly say what it is," He told her while speaking softly.

"Really?" she asked him, " 'Cause, I don't smell a thing," She murmured, looking down at herself.

She lifted the bottom of her wrist up to sniff, followed by the collar of her top before shrugged, getting nothing, " I don't really use anything either, sometimes simple little body soaps, but I don't think I have anything strong enough for you to always smell," She added with a little sigh.

"I'm sure you're just imagining it," she remarked, shaking her head all the while.

A cheeky, little grin then morphed its way onto her face as she looked at him with glowing, impish (e/c) colored eyes, giggling through the words, "Oh, And quit sniffing me you creep," she added, flipping her hair back to add to her playful, little act.

His eyebrow twitched in annoyance as she said that, the Asgardian immediately going on the defensive, " I don't go about my day following your scent!" He gritted in between tightly pressed teeth, "And don't you dare let that idiot Thor hear you," he said beneath his breath.

The last thing he needed was his brother to tease him about something so stupid, bringing up a topic he'd long ago squashed.

She rolled her eyes playfully, setting the controller that was on her lap onto the coffee table before she stretched out her legs from beneath her body, letting them casually hang from the edge of the couch,

"Alright," she said in a sing-song voice, lightly swinging the limbs to try and get the visiting numbness that had settle onto them to ease its way out of her body.

"Well," he huffed, rolling his eyes, "Whatever it is... I wanted to say, I like it." He said with a quiet mumble, propping his chin up on his palm, giving her sweet glowing, emerald eyes,

"Plenty," He added just as softly.

A light touch of pink dusted onto her features, the (e/c) eyed woman taken back by the complement, and much more the gentle expression he eyed her with,

"You do ?" she questioned him, her index traveling up to her mouth, the pad touching her lips as she fluttered her eyes up at him,

"Indeed." He confirmed, " It's as I mentioned, warm... Almost inviting.

Bucky Barnes x reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now