Chapter 21

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I don't hear from Ryder and Trystan the whole weekend, apart from a text I found on my phone on Saturday morning thanking me once again for the night before. I had responded, asking after them, and telling them I hoped they had a safe flight to wherever they were going. They didn't reply that day, and I wondered just how far they were flying. I busied myself with more job interviews, each with no more luck than the last. In bed on Saturday, my mind went to my mum and how she was doing. With no way to contact her while she was in the hospital, it left me only with the option of going to visit. The thought didn't sound appealing. Not at the moment, anyway.

Sunday went pretty much the same. I sent off another quick text to Trystan and Ryder, wishing them a happy birthday, signing it from both Sophie and me.

They still didn't reply, but I didn't think too far into it, assuming that they were just busy. The guys all confirmed that they too hadn't heard anything.

We're all sitting at the breakfast table, ready to go to school for the day, and I still haven't heard anything. I can't imagine flying somewhere for a day, only to return as soon as possible. It was a silly idea to think that they might be back for school today.

I've been trying to pull as much of my weight around the house to make it up for the imposition of me staying here, and that includes helping with housework as much as I can. I try to clear up my dishes, if Ashton's mum doesn't jump in to do it before I can, and wash any that I see that need doing.

I'm walking to the dishwasher with our bowls when Ashton's mum calls out to me.


"It's fine I've got it," I tell her, bending to place them.

She chuckles, stopping beside me. "Thank you, darling, but I was actually hoping to talk about Sophie."

I straighten, turning to her worried. "Yes?" I ask.

"Nothing to worry about," she reassures. "I just see how you miss out on school to pick her up, and I was wondering if there's anything that I can do to make that easier for you?"

My knee-jerk reaction is to tell her that I've got it, but then I think back to before I had to go and pick her up, how I miss Chloe's help with taking and picking Sophie up. "I don't want to impose."

"Oh, darling, I'm free. There wouldn't be any problem."

We arrive at school a bit late, due to being held up at Sophie's daycare

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We arrive at school a bit late, due to being held up at Sophie's daycare. Firstly I had to explain that Ashton's mum would be picking Sophie up from here on out, and then I was told that my last payment hadn't gone through in full. Mae had tried to tell me as gently as possible, but it still was embarrassing. It just reminded me of the bills that were piling up at home. At this point, I'm desperate and ready to beg on the street corner if it meant that I could keep Sophie safe.

I was close to tears upon returning to Ashton in the car. I tried to keep them in and put on a brave face, but of course, Ashton saw right through it. He didn't say anything as he comforted me, not even asking why I was downcast. He just pulled me into a hug.

It was the kind of hug that you didn't necessarily want, or think you needed, but as soon as they enclose themselves around you, you never wanted them to let go.

I'm feeling better as I walk through the halls, to homeroom. I have no clue what I'm going to do in the way of money. I don't have enough experience to make people happy at hiring me, and I have no way of getting it. I think of the money in the bank account of my mum's that I can't access. If it was only enough to tide me over, I'd be able to find a job in the meantime.

But that means I need to go and see her.

I get a snooty look from Mr. Blake at my tardiness, and when I get to my seat I only find Brody.

"Where's Colton?" I whisper, keeping an eye on Mr. Blake.

"Home. Not feeling well."

"Again?" I ask, my voice coming out louder than I had intended with worry. Brody keeps his eyes on the front, nodding in response.

Walking from Homeroom to Trigonometry, I fire a quick text to him.

Hope you get better soon. I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

I gnaw at my lip, waiting for a response, but I don't get one.

I find myself checking my phone a lot more during the day, sneaking glances under the table, waiting for a response either from Colton, Ryder, or Trystan.

They don't come.

When I enter the cafeteria, I almost walk into someone because I'm looking at my phone. I catch myself at the last moment, looking up to see Sarah standing in front of me. She has a new pair of glasses, the corners pointing upwards. It looks as if she's permanently judging me.

"Looks fun, right?"

"What?" I ask. She looks down at my phone, and I pull it away instinctively.

"Oh, I thought you saw." She navigates through her phone, flipping it around so I can see the screen when she's found what she's looking for. It's a news article for a gossip magazine.

Double Trouble: The Carter Heirs Spend a Sexy, Sun Soaked, Super-Yacht Birthday in Cancun.

Under the headline is a photo of Ryder and Trystan on a massive yacht. The camera is obviously on a different boat, getting a shot of Ryder and Trystan with girls in bikinis surrounding them. They all look like they could be models.

I have to admit that it stings more than I thought it would. It's their birthday, and they can spend it however they want with whoever they want. I can't really see their faces, most of them blocked by the girls bending down toward them or sunglasses, so I can't see if they're at least having fun.

Sarah takes back her phone.

"Tanner says he likes your pics better," she tells me, her voice turning bitter.

As if on cue, my phone vibrates in my hands, and instead of seeing a notification from Ryder, Trystan, or Colton like I had hoped, it's from the person I had least hoped would contact me. 


Hi Guys!

I hope you liked it. The problems I had with this part! Firstly, I tried to do it a different way and then ended up not liking that. Then when I went to publish this, Wattpad was not playing ball at all. Anyway, it's here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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