Chapter 12

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Sophie is bubbly as ever when we pick her up, and she's had a good day from what I can gather. Upon seeing Ryder her mood lifted even more, and it made me jealous. I only got a small hug whereas Ryder was given a big squeeze. I didn't hold the resentment long, and it wasn't too serious, because as soon as Sophie started to jump around in her seat, it made my heart warm. She has people she cares about, and who care about her. She's got a family, and although I've only thought of how it would affect me to have the guys disappear from my life, I didn't take into account the pain that Sophie would feel. I worry that the years of neglect from my mother, that I tried my hardest to make up for, has caused her to rely on the guys for happiness, as they are the first people to show her caring outside of me. Is that what's happening to me? Am I just latching onto them because they're the first people who have shown an inkling of respect towards me?I shake the thoughts off, not wanting to go down that dark swirling vortex again. I already had this figured out last night, I don't need to do it again.

I glance at Sophie in the rearview mirror, and that pushes the thought further out of my mind. She's happy and that's all that matters to me.

Ryder flicks the indicator on, and it prompts me to look out of the window and where we going. I recognise the street and see his building in the distance.

"We can't be here," I tell him, staring at the building. I imagine their mother sitting in their apartment, and her expression when I walk through the door. It's not a good one. No matter how much I won't let her words affect me, the sentiment is there. I'd still feel everything that caused me to flee last night - the scrutiny, judgement, and feeling like I'm unwelcome.

"Why not?" Ryder asks, shutting off the engine and pulling the key out of the slot. I sigh.

"I have a feeling your mom doesn't like me," I admit, although it's not just a feeling.

"She doesn't like a lot of people. You could even say she doesn't like us," Ryder says pragmatically.


"What did she say to you?" Ryder asks calmly, turning in his seat to face me, changing the subject in the process. I don't miss Ryder

"It was stupid," I mumble, looking back to Sophie who is wriggling, antsy in her seat.

"I have to disagree. What was it?"

"She accused me of being friends with you, only due to your money."

"And she stoked the fires of you doubting whether we should pay for you." He hits the nail right on the head. He groans, rubbing a hand down his face. "First of all, my mother has no control over any of the money that has been spent on you, so she has no say in what we spend it on. Secondly, I really am sorry that my mother said that to you, she shouldn't have. We only have to put up with her until Monday. As soon as our birthday is over, they'll be out of here, and I can't wait to see the back of them." He tilts his head back to the headrest, and I notice how truly tired he is. "They're a lot of work," he murmurs, almost to himself.

I reach out a hand, placing it on his arm closest to me. I rub a thumb over his bicep subconsciously. "You don't have to be here," I offer, not wanting them to stay in an environment that is becoming detrimental to them.

Ryder glances up to the mirror and to Sophie. A smile comes to his lips, and when he looks at me, it gets bigger. "Come on," he says, motioning with his head out of the window. A small huff of breath, almost like a laugh leaves me at Ryder changing the subject.

I ruffle Sophie's hair as she runs past me and down the street toward the apartment building. When we enter the building Ryder begins to jog, challenging Sophie to a race to the lift. Sophie wins, and by the time I arrive to them, they're already walking into a waiting lift.

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