Chapter 16

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The next two days are relatively quiet, especially compared to the rest of the time I've had out in LA. Trystan and Ryder have been spending most of the time with their parents, and when we get to Friday, I can see that they've been running themselves ragged. I'm fortunate to Ashton for allowing me to stay with him the last couple of days. I even went to a job interview on Thursday night. It didn't go too well. The night consisted of leaving Ashton's house and panicking on the way to the store about my experience, and how the interview would go. I then sat in the car for too long, making me five minutes late, which was not a good look. I fumbled through my answers but managed to get through without too much panic. I was proud of myself for that, but as soon as I was seated back in the car I burst into tears. It had nothing to do with them denying my application to work there, citing that I had no experience whatsoever, but more for the fact of it not looking likely that I was going to get a job anywhere at this point. I would never have the experience they wanted, being too busy as a stay at home mother for Sophie, but I wasn't ready to admit the reason to anyone who was looking to hire me. Would they turn me away just for that? Would I even have the time they wanted, with school and Sophie was it possible for me to work? I didn't want to give up on either, but for me to be able to have enough time, giving up on one is looking like the best option. I don't even technically have to be going to school, so would it just be easier on my life to bid farewell to school life. It would be easier for us all. Sophie would get more care, and I would have more time on my hands to work.

However, although school can be stressful, it's my only time that I get a break from having to think about anything. Everything is planned out for me, and all I have to do is turn up. Work would just be replacing the stress with worse stress, but at least I would be paid.

When I return to Ashton's, Sophie is already asleep. I locked myself in the bathroom and cried some more. I always put Sophie to bed, so knowing that if I worked I wouldn't be able to, just hit home even further that I couldn't be able to do everything. Putting Sophie to bed is always something I strive to do no matter what. I never want her to go to bed neglected or thinking I don't love her. It's just one night, but one night is still one night too many. It's something I've had to grow up with, and something that will be better for Sophie. My mum didn't care to put me to bed most of the time.

Ashton was only in his room outside, and could probably hear my stifled sobs, but when I came out he didn't say anything. I had attempted to give him his bed back, but he wouldn't hear it and argued that sleeping on the floor was actually better. I argued in return that I should probably do it then, but he didn't hear it and told me that it was better for Sophie and me to have the big bed. I felt better about him sleeping in his room than on the couch, so was glad that I hadn't completely stolen it away from him.

I had gotten quite used to staying with Ashton's family, and their ways of life. I actually liked it. It was obvious that it was a family home, and Sophie loved the company, especially Ashton's baby sister, who she fawned over. The cooking was even better and really pulled the whole familial vibe together. It was home-cooked hearty meals, and I always was full due to my plates being stacked high.

Driving to and from school with Ashton also became something I looked forward to. Over the last two days, we've listened to all sorts of music, and I've learned that Ashton doesn't really have a favourite musical artist or genre for that matter. This morning's music is full of guitars, and the man is screaming about something I can't quite make out.

Ryder, Trystan, and Levi are waiting for us when we get out of the car. I don't like how tired they look, and for other reasons than my issue with them, I can't wait for their parents to leave. I feel bad for thinking that way, but Trystan and Ryder deserve some time to relax. I hug them, and Levi and Ashton greet them all in his own way, patting Levi on the shoulder, who doesn't seem too pleased by this action, he doesn't say anything about it though.

"Any way I can stay at your's tonight, Ash?" Levi asks.

"Well, it'd be the couch..." Ashton replies, glancing up at me.

"Fine by me."

"I don't know how comfortable that would be with..."

"We might join you," Ryder adds, cutting Ashton off with a small shake of his head. Ashton looks from Ryder down to Levi and then back up.

"Why?" I ask.

"Oh, it's in full party mode at the Carter's," Levi tells me.

"Uh oh, I thought we were going without this year," Jesse says from behind me, and I turn to find him standing there with Storm.

"What?" I ask. "You guys are having a birthday party?"

"Yeah, it was sprung on us by our parents this morning," Ryder explains. By his tone of voice, it's obvious he doesn't want a party.

"And their parties are not us. They want us to invite the school year, and of course, their friends will be there and..." Trystan says, trailing off with a groan. He rubs a hand down his face, muttering under his breath. "Fucking great."

I instantly feel sorry for them. "They're going to force you to go?" I ask. Ryder nods in affirmation.

"I just say we avoid it, do something we all want to do, what are they going to do?" Storm says. Trystan shoots Storm a look that says that's a bad idea.

"I'll come for moral support," I offer. After everything that happened, I haven't been able to get them a present, and I have no clue what I want to get them.

"You know we'll be there, dude," Jesse says grabbing Trystan's shoulder. I want to reach out and hug them because they look like they need it, but we're interrupted by Brody and Colton arriving along with the bell ringing.

Here you go! I hope you liked it! I'm sorry for the delay, I've found myself busier than I thought I would be over the last week (it's always the case before Christmas! I have more to do than I think - although there's nothing special happening this year due to circumstances). There won't be a delay on the next update, as it'll be up on the 29th (I can't believe that we're this close to the year finishing. It's felt insanely long, as well as insanely short.

How are you celebrating Christmas this year?

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CC ;)

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