New Update Tomorrow

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Hi Guys!

Long time no see! I really truly apologise for that. I have never stopped thinking about this book, and it's hard to believe that it's been a year since the last part! I'd be surprised if there were many of you left, waiting for me to update (I completely understand if there aren't!) but to those who are still waiting to hear more about Bambi and the guys (and I know there are some due to you guys asking about the next part - it's been so lovely to know you're still into the book (I've really missed Bambi and the guys personally)), I'm very happy to tell you that there will be an update up tomorrow. I know I can hardly believe it either! It's been so long and I can't wait for you guys to see it! 

I honestly can't thank you all enough, I know it's been FOREVER, but you'll be glad to hear that I plan on getting regular updates back for this book (all the inspiration has come flooding back to me as soon as I started writing it)! I'll give an explanation in the part tomorrow, or you can go to my profile and see the announcement there with dates for other books, but I thought I would put this up now, so if you want to, you can get caught up on everything again (and you may not have seen the announcement saying I was posting it tomorrow)!

So, if you're still here, I'll see you tomorrow, and thank you so much! It really does mean a lot!

In the meantime, why not guess what you think's going to happen, and just catch me up on your lives if you want (and if you don't want to do it publicly you can always message me privately)! A year's a long time!

Thanks for reading, voting and following!

CC ;)

(I'll be deleting this part after tomorrow, I just wanted to make sure everyone sees that I will be updating it!)

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