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I would always see him with bandages every time Touya and I met as a kid, my guess is that it's all from bitch, Enji, and I was never wrong. I'm Karma, Karma Kaori. You know, being Touya's best friend is not easy but so much fun. Every day was different yet the same and you'll never know what the fuck will happen but at the same time, you can always say "I knew you were going to do that" given how predictable Touya was. It's like a routine or a tradition. Unfortunate, but it gave us something to talk about! 

"What happened this time?" I said to him as he walked out of his house to come see me.

"I may have accidentally set my dad on fire..." He said hesitantly. We both hated Enji, that son of a bitch.

"And you didn't invite me to come and see that?"

"Did you also want to get set on fire? Look at my arm, Karma." His arm was wrapped due to, yet again, another burn. As if we don't have enough of those.

"Let's go, you're already late you reckless motherfucker," Karma said while chuckling. Touya and I met almost every day to hang out. He wanted to get away from his family and I frankly was his only friend. I know, what a loser. Not to sound like every stupid cheesy story but we did have a secret spot we would hang out at, it was a small cave in the deepest part of the forest. In the cave, there was a staircase. If you walk down the staircase, there's a beautiful lake. Not many people knew about it and for the time being, we wanted to keep it that way. It was dangerous due to the fact that it's in a deep dark forest and the fact that you have no sense of time while you are there because you will forget everything once you see the lake. "Gosh, this sight never gets old!" I said, sitting down on the edge of the river.

"It really doesn't," Touya said sitting next to me.

"Tell me, what actually happened this time Touya," I asked him while our feet dangled on top of the river and my head rested on his shoulder.

"...My was just stupid training stuff," he said holding my hand signaling that he wanted me to use my quirk on him. My quirk is aromatherapy: I can release certain scents from my pores to trigger a certain human response once smelled, Touya's favorite was the floral one.

"Okay, that's it!" I said after a couple of minutes of just sitting there.
"What?" Touya said in confusion.

"You're not going to be sad today, I'm not letting you." I grabbed his two hands and pulled him to stand up. "I know you hate water because your quirk is fire but we're going swimming today," I said, pulling him into the lake.

"KARMA WAIT-" yeah no, I didn't wait for him and dragged him into the water. "Karma, what was that?" He said after popping his head out of the water.

"Come on Touya, loosen up, let's enjoy life!" I said swimming closer to him. "Plus, my quirk is also weak against water so don't try to use that as an excuse because I'm also in here."

"What am I going to tell my parents when I come home drenched in water?!" He said in a panic.

"Touya, calm down, you're literally a human heater!" I said resting my hands around his neck as I wrap my legs around him and his arms support me. "Let's live a little...okay?" I said gently, looking him in the eyes, moving my hands from his shoulders to his hair.

"...Okay," he said and I saw the sides of his lips curve. I looked away from his eyes for a quick second to look at something else that sparked my attention. "What are you looking at?" Touya said with curiosity.

"Oh, why does it concern you now?" I said teasing him.

"I will throw you across the river Karma."

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