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Karma's POV

You would think in the middle of the night, it would be quiet, you'd hear just the animals, maybe a couple of cars...think again. I woke up to the sound of a fight. My first initial thought was a gang fight and it wasn't my business until I heard, "Damn Enji, are you even playing?" That's...DABI! I open my eyes to see Dabi and Endeavour a couple of blocks away from my fighting. "Dab-" Shit, I can't help. I don't have my villain costume. My legs are weak, my arms are bruised, I'm laying on the floor lifeless. I can't do anything: I can't help, I can't call for help, all I can do is lay here.




I watched one after another punch hit him, why was he just taking it? He's not like FatGum, he's just taking the hits. I couldn't take it anymore. He's not even trying. I tried to get up with whatever strength I had left: My leg was limping and my arms were weak. I ran as fast as I could with a fucked up body, it was more of walk. "STOP NO!" As history repeats itself, Endeavour pulls a fire punch and I jump in front of Dabi. That damn Enji. The second time I jumped in front of Enji to protect someone. Dare I say, this might be the end of me. "KARMA?!" I hear them both yell.

Touya's/Dabi's POV

Ha, it's like when we were kids, "Oh come on Enji, not this again. We won't want someone getting hurt now," I said as I saw him get a fire punch ready so I do the same getting mine ready as well. Little did I know that would be the worst mistake of my life as I see Karma jump in front of me using her body as a shield. Fuck, she'll die. Both our flames combine will end her. "KARMA!" I yell out. I can't let him know that Karma is a part of the LOV as well, not yet at least. A huge wave of smoke blocks Endeavour's vision so I take that as a chance to pick Karma up and run my ass back to the LOV lounge. She's unconscious and hot temperature-wise, I can see the burns on her body, this is not good whatsoever. I run faster and faster until I ultimately make it back to the lounge. Shiggy will be pissed but that is the least of my concerns right now.

"What the fuck?" I hear Shiggy ask but I don't answer him but instead rush to my room and close the door, laying Karma on my bed. It then hit me that I have no idea how to patch Karma up as she does for me...shit. But you know, as luck has had it, she wakes up thankfully. "D- D- Dabi...?" I hear her slowly say.


"It's not the first time I've done it..."

"Excuse me?" She just looked at me as I pretended to not know what she was saying.

"The first aid should be under the bathroom sink cabinet, go get it. Also get some water, ice, and towels please." And I did. Coming back with so many things in my hands.

"Thank god you're awake, I would not know how to patch you," I said when I came back, she slowly pushed herself and I helped her fragile little body. She grabbed a towel and wet it with water and put it on her skin cooling it down. Me, being a dumbass, didn't know what to do, so I literally just watched her do everything. "Can you hand me the ointment in the first aid kit, please? Nope, not that one. Or that one. Or- just give it to me," She said as she rubbed it on places that needed it and then wrapped herself up with some medical tape. "Take notes so next time you can help me please."

"There won't be a next time, I promise," I said and then kissed her forehead. She looked at me with eyes begging for me so I kissed her soft lips gently and then sat down next to her. "Come on, let's go to bed. It's already really late," I said laying down. "Where are you going?" I asked as I watched her walk out of my room.

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