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Karma's POV 

After dinner, everyone cleaned up and went to their dorms, and got ready for bed. I, on the other hand, was doing the opposite. I changed into a pair of gray sweatpants and a black hoodie and sneaked out through my window. I made sure my hoodie was on my head so people couldn't recognize me and walked to the LOV. Creaking the door open, no one was in the common area...are they asleep already? I went to Dabi's room and low and behold, he was still awake. "Um...hi..." I said awkwardly, seeing Dabi sitting on the edge of his bed. He looked up at me, "I thought you had a dorm at UA?"

"I do." We stared at each other awkwardly. Why did I even come here? "Can I come in?"

"Be my guest." and so I did, sitting on the floor in front of him. We stared at each other again in awkward silence. Oh dear lord. " need something?" Dabi said, breaking the silence. "I don't actually."

"Then what the fuck are you doing here?" I don't even know how to answer that because I don't even know why I'm here so I did the most nonlogical thing I could think of. I got up, sat on his lap, and kissed him, taking him by surprise. I pulled away looking him in the eyes, "Does that answer your question?"

"Hm, I don't think so. Do it again and maybe I'll get the answer this time." We both smirked at each other knowing this was going to end really good or really bad, but I didn't care. I crashed my lips into him again and he took the initiative of my mouth this time, yet again...this turned into a make-out until magically, I was flipped onto my back and Dabi was hovering on top of me looking down at me. "Make it quick, I have to leave soon," I said, smiling at Dabi. He went in for a kiss again and then slowly traveled down my neck giving me a hickey. "Wait, don't leave a mark!" that didn't stop him from giving me a hickey. That bastard, shit. What am I going to say when people at UA see it. "Cute necklace...but my hands would make a better one," he whispered in my ears after wrapping his fingers around my necklace and giving me a hickey, sending shivers down my spine. I pushed him away again, "Let go of my necklace," I said. I stared into his eyes and he let go of it as it hit my chest. I got up and started heading for his door when all of a sudden, Dabi grabbed my wrist. "You're not leaving yet."

"Yes, I am," I said back, not looking at him.

"No, you're no sweetheart," Dabi said. He pulled me back and I was forced to look at him as his other hand snaked around my waist. "Don't try to escape me, you know you want me," He said. He released his hold on me and sat back down on the edge of his bed while I continued standing. "We have a mission tonight, you're coming."

"Are you sure? I just joined." He chucked.

"That's the point, this will decide whether we keep you..." He stood up and walked over to me, lifting my chin up with his fingers. "...or kill you." Shivers were sent down my spine. Kill me?

Touya's/Dabi's POV

She has her first mission tonight, her debut. I can tell by her face, her lips are shaking, she's terrified after hearing that statement. I placed a gentle kiss on her lips to stop the quivering and then pulled her into a tight hug as her head lay in my chest. "I will not let you die though, Karma. I promise," I said, drawing circles on her head to comfort her. She looks back up at me with complete terror, "Come on," I said holding her hand. "Get some rest. It's 9:30 right now, we're leaving at midnight."

"No, I would have to go back to UA. They would get suspicious."

"Make sure you're here by 11:30 then." She looked at me, I could tell she was holding in her tears.

"Dabi..." Her voice cracked. "What if I don't meet your standards?" Why would she ever think that? She knows how strong she is, I've watched her grow up. There's no way Shigaraki would kill her and even if he wanted to, I would let her.

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