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Touya's/Dabi's POV

I lay on my bed with my forearm covering my eyes telling myself she doesn't know anything about me yet, she doesn't need to know anything about me AT ALL. Right when I think I can get a break in the LOV, I hear my door open, fuck off please. "Why'd you let me in so easily, Dabi?" nevermind it's Karma, please stay. I sigh and sit up straight seeing her stand beside my bed. "Oh, it's just you," I say nonchalantly and lay back down. She didn't let me though and grabbed the collar of my shirt pulling me inches away from her face. "I asked you a question." I grabbed her wrist and pulled them off my shirt. "Like I said sweetheart, we aren't really strangers Ms. Kaori."

"Yeah you guys captured me once but like I'm not your friend or something!"

"It's not that hun."

"Then what the fuck is it? What trick do you have up your sleeve Dabi?"

"There is no trick Karma, I know a UA traitor when I see one," I said laying back down.

"Yeah, just because your brother goes to UA or whatever."

"Yeah he does, you're correct about that. Do you want an award m'lady?" We stared at each other in awkward silence, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. "You're bleeding," she said.


"Your neck." I brought my fingers to my neck and touched it. She was right, I was bleeding. "It's gonna get infected, I'm gonna patch it for you."

"It's fine, just let it scar." The old Karma is coming back when she would always insist on patching me after that dick, Enji.

"I wasn't asking for your permission Dabi." So we're playing this game, huh? She walked out of the room to get the first aid kit. "Up." she demanded as I layed on my bed. "Such an attitude for a girl who should be respecting me, I gave you a free pass into the LOV," I said, getting up, sitting on the edge of the bed, man spreading. She stood in between his legs and slightly bent down to get closer to my neck wiping off the blood. I smirked and pulled her legs so she would be straddling my lap making her gasp. If she wants a game, I'll give her a game.

Karma's POV

I glared at him as that stupid ass burnt dick smirked as if this was entertainment to him. "What? Why aren't you fighting Karma?" He said. "You like sitting on my lap?"

"Look up you burnt bitch," I said ignoring his question.

"You know you want it, Karma." He whispered in my ear, giving me butterflies. What the fuck? I finished cleaning off the blood, it was a lot, and I finally got a full view of the actual wound. "It's pretty bad, Dabi. I think I'm gonna have to give you stitches." His hands moved from supporting his body weight on his bed to resting on my thighs.

"Do what you have to do." Instant blush on my face, pale to red in two seconds. I quickly snapped out of it and put numbing cream on the skin around his wound. "This is gonna hurt," I say with a little bit of hesitation. His thumb started caressing my thigh, "That's fine. After all, look at me already." He wasn't wrong, I mean...he already has a lot of staples in him so this couldn't be the worst, right? "Up," I say, commanding him to tilt his head up. I slowly pierce the needle into one side of the wound and then through the other slowly closing it. "Does it hurt?" I say, genuinely concen. His hands squeezed my thighs harder and his breathing became heavier. It was evident that this was going to hurt him a little if not a lot, I don't even know why I asked. "I try to do it as quickly as possible. I pieced the needle again and again and again until he released his grip on my thighs all of a sudden and his head dropped onto my shoulder from the pain, panting like crazy. I rubbed his back trying to ease him from the pain, "I'm sorry, I know it hurts. I'm almost done though." He couldn't see this nor could I, but I knew I was a blushing mess right now as I could feel my cheeks heat up. "'s fine," He said while still breathing heavily and caressing my thighs. We stayed like that for a couple minutes, his head on my shoulder and my hand rubbing his back, until he was ready to continue. His head slowly rose back up, "Are you sure you're ready?"

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