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Touya's/Dabi's POV

She's nervous, fuck she's nervous. She's not supposed to be nervous, she literally has this in the bag. There are literally some people who join the LOV and get killed on the spot and she didn't, she's basically in. She's...She's shaking. I looked at her body and her legs bouncing and her hands shaking, I couldn't help but just hold her. I grabbed her hand, interlocked our fingers, and rested them on her leg. She grabbed me tight until she slowly stopped shaking. I used my thumb and moved it back and forth on her skin until she eventually calmed down. "Are you okay?" I asked and then kissed the back of her hand. She nodded and then of course, "Get a fucking room," Shigaraki said. I ignored him but Karma quickly let go of my hand and started bouncing her leg again. I tried to grab it again but she pulled away. What? Is she...embarrassed? Does she not want to do this anymore? No, no, no, not right before a mission.

"We're here love birds!" Toga said, way too excited for her own good to go on another mission. The last one we went on she fucked up, I have no idea why she's this happy. "Pass the mission and I have something for you," I whispered into her ear, and then she got out of the car without giving me any response. No nod, ok "okay", no "yes", nothing. Something is wrong. Well I mean, this is a life or death mission for her, she has an easy task though.

Karma's POV

I can't be fucking my boss in front of his boss. Well, I'm not actually, but I can't be flirting with my boss in front of his boss. That's a sure-fire way to get kicked out. Karma, what the actual fuck were you doing? You have a life or death mission right now, don't fuck it up. "Karma!" Shigaraki shouted. "Jeez, I called you like four times. You know what to do," he said to me. And now I'm blanking out, don't fuck it up with your quirk. No one could see how much I was shaking through my cloak, thank god for that.

"There are four scents I can choose from vanilla, lavender, chamomile, and jasmine to make the city tired. Which one do you think?"

"Go for jasmine," Shigaraki said.

"That's risky: if jasmine gets too strong, it'll start smelling like gas."

"Stop talking and just do it." And so I did. As I was using my quirk, my cloak started to rise as the scent pushed it away from me but it still hung on to me because it's tied around my neck. "Damn, that smells good!" Toga said.
"Oh shit, I almost forgot!" I reached into my cloak and pulled out 3 masks for each of them. "These will help you not breathe in my quirk, put them on," I said, handing them each one of the masks.

"How long does it take to kick in?" Shigaraki asked.

"Give it around five minutes."

"Make it instant."

"I can't, I need to give people time to actually breathe it in."

"Well make it faster than we need to be in and out. Make it two minutes then."

"You said tired, not asleep. I can't make it any faster sir, I'm sorry." I replied. I hope that won't affect my chances of passing but let's be real, it did.

Five minutes later, Shigaraki gave the cue to go and start doing villain shit, well...gave Toga and Dabi the cue. My job was to just make the town sleepy, I'm bored now. I watched the rest of the LOV fight: Toga was so good with her knife skills, Dabi was painting the world with blue flames, and Shigaraki was turning people into dust left and right. I loved it here as long as I could stay here. The chaos, the terror in innocent lives, I love it all. Revenge is sweet. As planned, before you knew it, the heroes were here. That son of a bitch, Endeavor, was here thinking he could take all 3 of them on. Funny. Toga went first and got a sample of his blood before leaving to do more damage as Dabi and Shigaraki handled Endeavour. Dabi started off with a ring of fire, smart: access the battlefield. The battle was intense, I could barely keep up with what was happening until things started slowing down in all the wrong ways possible. Dabi was flying straight back coughing up ash with a huge wound on his shoulder. Shit. Shigaraki accidentally used his quirk on Dabi, fuck. "Make the town get tired and drowsy with your scent. Tired, not asleep. We'll do the rest." Shigaraki's words replayed in my head over and over again. This isn't my job, I'll get kicked off. I'm not letting Endeavour do this again though. "Karma, no!"

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