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Karma's POV

The routine stays the same, I use my quirk to get all these bastards to shut the fuck up by making my quirk way too strong so they have to cover their nose with one mouth and then we attack. We all put on our face masks and Touya put a tight ring of fire around all the heroes and police, slowly cooking them alive. "Make it stronger," Shigaraki commanded and I did. It was pungent and strong which was gross but at the same time, making them tired due to the fact that it is the sleeping aroma. I see the police slowly drop and before you know it, it was all just pro-heroes. Why do we even have police? They don't even do anything.

There was only one problem, one hero in particular had a mask as a part of their costume. "What do we do about Snipe?" I ask Shigaraki.

"He's not that strong, don't worry about him."

"Who are you?!" All Might said pointing at me. I smiled and just made my scent stronger and stronger. "Why are you hiding? Are you scared?"

"Go ahead, Karma. Show the world who you really are, let us show off who we have and they don't anymore." Shigaraki smirked.

"Look who isn't fighting anymore?" Toga said all of a sudden and I smiled at her. I took off my cloak revealing who I was. Hair flowed out, blowing with the wind, and I smirked as I saw their reaction. Especially Pro Hero Hawks. He was stunned. All the UA teachers were of course stunned but what would they expect? It's not like I did well in UA.

"Why Karma? Why are you doing this?" My former teacher, Aizawa, asked me.

"Why the fuck did you think that was a good idea? Why did you follow into his footsteps instead of mine?" Hawks dsid, upset. Everyone looked at Hawks with a confused look. Suddenly, a flash of memories waved back when Keigo, Touya, and I used to play together as kids. I stood there not being able to answer or move until-

"I'm right here, remember," I heard Touya whisper in my ear, snapping me out of it. I looked back at him and nodded. Keigo used to be like an older brother to me until he became a Pro Hero at such a young age. The things people will do for fame and money.


"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU BIRD BRAIN, IT'S NOT LIKE YOU TREATED HER WITH RESPECT OR ANYTHING! YOU LEFT OUR ASSES ONCE YOU BECAME EVERYONE'S NEW BEST THING!" Touya jumped down from the roof and made his way to Keigo. "Keigo Takami, aka Hawks. Best Pro Hero. Youngest Pro Hero. It feels nice doesn't it? Does it still feel nice knowing that in order to keep those statuses, you're going to have to kill your childhood best friends?" Keigo looked at him stunned. This was a whole fucking show that we're putting on, we aren't even fighting. How boring. "Do it, Hawks. Kill me." Once those words came out of his mouth, I started something that I wasn't sure if I could finish. I took my knife out and threw it straight at Mountain Lady right for her throat...Bulls eye.

Everyone's head turned to Mountain Lady and then me. "Go ahead, try and kill me. You might end up like her if you do," I said, knowing they couldn't. I knew at this point my quirk had settled in enough that they were two dizzy or light headed or even knocked out. Sorry Mountain Lady, I had to sacrifice you, I'll attend your funeral the one who buries your dead corpse.

They tried to kill me, but before you knew it, they were all on the floor and Keigo rested all of his body weight on Touya falling forward. "I don't know how you did that or what just happened but thank you..." Toga said in confusion.

"They'll be unconscious for a little bit, at least an hour. For now, we need to get the fuck out of here and find a new hide out." Touya jumped back onto the roof and said, "I think I might have a place!"


All of a sudden, we were back at the...lake... "Touya, why'd you bring us here?" We walked through the entirety of the forest and then saw on the other side of the lake, there was a small cabin with no one in it.

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