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Karma's POV

I grabbed my black cloak and put it on, draping over my shoulders and upper body along with my head covering my identity. We all got in the van: Shigaraki drove, Dabi was in the front, Toga and I were in the back. Not the time to freak out that you are sitting next to Toga, Karma. Get it together, you are on a mission.

"So what's even the point of this mission?" I said breaking, the awkward silence.

"It's a test for you," Shigaraki said.

"Yeah, but what's the goal of the mission?" I asked one more time.

"I just told you, it's to test you!" Shigaraki said. He didn't have any more patience for me.

"Who are we going for then? What the fuck are we even doing there?"

"We aren't going for anyone, we're testing you to see if you can actually kill your so call, 'friends!'" he finally snapped.

"What the fuck, that's so dumb." I rested my back on the chair.

"Fine, we'll go grab the half and half bastard. Now, do you have any more goddamn questions?!" Shigaraki asked. I'm pretty sure we wanted to crash the van by now, but he didn't.

"Looks like we'll have a family reunion, won't we Dabi?!" I said with a "Miss. know it all" attitude. I look at him in the mirror and I see the little smirk on his face.

"Might as well get that dick, Enji, then?"

"For once I actually might agree with you, you burnt bitch." OH? No way, Shigaraki speaking up and saying something, not in disagreement? What a sight. If you couldn't tell, this was all sarcastic because I am the most hilarious human being ever.

We get to UA, it's like a home away from home... except it's not home whatsoever and it's not that far away from my new home. It's literally like a couple of miles away. It's probably not the best idea that the hideout isn't that far away from the hero society but it's not in my control so it doesn't concern me at this given moment.

"Remember this place, Karma." I hear Toga say.

"I tried to forget it but I guess I can't escape it." I always wondered how they get through the security walls of UA. I watched Shigaraki start placing his hands on the wall and they slowly, hand placement by hand placement, started turning to dust. I was amazed and my jaw dropped and eyes wide, it was that easy for him. That bitch is strong. He destroys enough for us to get through and one by one, we all walk in.

"Take us for a tour, won't you Karma. Take us to 1-A first, won't you...Karma." The way he said that sent shivers down my spine. I looked him in the eyes while he spoke to me and then turned around.

As "secure" as UA is, there is no security in the hallways and I know that first hand every time I sneak out. I walk nonchalantly through the hallway and when I see the big doors of 1-A, I look at Shigaraki and nod my head. Dabi bent down and sent flames through the bottom crack of the door, setting the classroom on fire. There's no escape besides the windows which are many stories high. Before you know it, I see Dabi take down the large steel door with one easy kick. Hot.

"Hi, fuckers," he says to the class which his hands in his pockets. Hearing the terror, screams, and cries of my old classmates not knowing who I was is like music to my ears. Mineta, Midoriya, Uruaka were the loudest. They always were when it came to life or death situations. Last time this happened I think Mineta would have been better off if the villains killed or just took Mineta.

Todoroki and Bakugo on the other hand were calm and collected. What a shame that we have to capture one of them...I'm just kidding, it's not a shame at all. Or that's what I'll keep telling myself. We walked in slowly as they all sat there, stunned and not able to move. I use my quirk and put everyone to sleep, I see Shigaraki look at me. Is that good or bad? He it's good I think, I hope at least. I make it stronger and stronger until I see all my old peers knock their heads' on their table. What a delightful sight.

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