A Summer Romance

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me:omg i cant believe we are going to Hawaii for the summer!

mum: well believe it :)

me: this is going to be the best summer ever!

i ran upstairs and started to pack all my t-shirts, shorts, dresses and sandles.

just as i finished packing the last of my 3 suit cases-

mum: Kiara! taxi' here!


we went down to the taxi, lugging our bags behind us, and left for the airport.


me:ah, this holiday is going to be great, Hawaii, here i come.

Chaz: i know, lets hope me meet some hot girls!!

me: we better finish packing, the taxi will be here soon.

we had just finished packing when the taxi arrived.

Pattie: boys! get your bags, taxi's here!

me: coming mum.

we started to drag our bags down the stairs, to the taxi.

we got down and mum was already at the taxi with her bags in the trunk.

me and chaz looked at each other.

Chaz: this is going to be the best holiday ever!


Pattie: hurry up, we need to go pick up Ryan and get to the airport.

we jumped in the car,  and headed off.

*10 mins later*

Ryan:hey bro's! lets get going!

me: hey man!


me and mum had bought our ticket and were ready to board.

i was so happy, cause i was not tuck sitting next to mum, she was up the front, i was up the back.


me: ok guys, looks like we are sitting at the back of the plane, i'm a seat behind you, mum your up the front.

we headed up to our seats.

when i got to my seat, i saw the most beautiful girl.

this is great, 22 hours next to a hot girl, su-weet.

Ryan and Chaz winked at me.

Chaz whispered: go get her tiger ;)

i sat next to the beautiful girl, she was writing in a note book.

she had not noticed me.


i noticed someone next to, i was being polite and didn't look up.

but i was curious, so i did.

i saw the most gorgeous boy, he had perfect brown hair, beautiful hazel eyes with a tinge of green to them.

he had the smile of a god, and these cute Clark Kent glasses. 

Justin Drew Bieber!! i was sitting next to Justin Drew Bieber, this is going to be the best flight ever!

Justin: hey, i'm Justin, and you name is?

me: i'm Kiara

Justin: wow thats a beautiful name, nice to meet you Kiara :)

me:nice to meet you too :)

he sat next to me and just smiled.

he looked at my notebook

Justin: what that?

me:just my songbook

Justin: can i have a look?

me: sure but they're not that good.

i handed him the book.

Justin: i bet they're great :)

he started to read the first song, "my hero"

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