Part 37

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Justin's pov:

Kiara:okay, to be honest, I have no idea what to do either, but I know that we'll get through it...Somehow *sigh*"

Me:it's alright, remember, i'll always be right there for you, the whole way, and forever onwards."

Kiara:and dont you ever go back on that promise, please."

Me:dont worry, baby, I wont."

Kiara:thank you."

I gave Kiara a quick kiss, when the doctor walked in.

Doc:okay, the test is done, and you are 

not pregnant, i'm sorry, i'll leave you two alone for a while."

Me:okay, thank you."

The doctor left, and I looked at Kiara, she looked happy, but a little disappointed.

I walked over and sat right beside her and put my arm around her.

Me:you alright gorgeous?"

Kiara:yea, I mean no, I mean..."

She was struggling to get the words out, so I started to rub her back.

Me:you mean, what?"

Kiara:I am happy that i'm not pregnant, a wont be a teen mum, that's good, but i'm also a little upset, like, because, it would be amazing to have a cute little baby growing inside me, going shopping for baby stuff, playing with her, or him, teaching them everything, that's why I love my child care class at school."

I have her a smile and pecked her cheek, she looked at me and blushed and smiled shyly.

Me:i'm kinda glad your not pregnant..."

She looked at me, kinda confused.

Me:dont get me wrong, I would love to be the father of your child, just not at this age, there will be plenty of time for that when we get married."

Kiara:how do you know we'll even be together that long? Anything could happen in the mean time."

Me:just take this as my undying love for you, my promise that I will always stay faithful to you..."

I pulled a small purple velvet box, I looked at Kiara as I opened the box, revealing, an amethyst ring, a promise ring to be exact.

Kiara:oh my gosh Justin! It's beautiful!"

Me:Kiara, I haven't known you for too long, so it's too early for a proposal, but will you take this ring, as a token of my love for you?"

Kiara:yes Justin, I will!"

I slipped the ring onto her finger, it fit perfectly.

Me:as long as you wear this ring, I will always love you, even without the ring, I will love, but as you wear it, you show that you still love me too, and that I am yours, your shoulder to cry on, your arms to hold you, your man to stay by your side, and, your heart to always love you. I love you Kiara Mae Jones!"

Kiara:I love you too Justin Drew Bieber, and I always will."

A tear of joy ran down is left cheek 

I took my thumb and wiped it under her eye and down her cheek.

There was still a few more tears coming, so I went over to the doctors desk and grabbed a tissue.

I walked back and handed it to Kiara.


Me:your welcome, and by the way, I dont want to see these tears anymore, ok?"


Me:good, so what do you want to do now?"

Kiara:can we head back to the pool?"

Me:sure, I can work on my tan a bit."

Kiara:and I can talk to Enrique..."

Me:so that's why you wanna go back to the pool?"


Me:just cause you think he's hot..."

Kiara:and Spanish... Just sayin'..."

Me:lets just get to the pool."


I took her hand and we walked out of the room, out of the health centre, and to my car.

Why do I keep saying my car?

It was only a rental from the airport.

I drove to the hotel, and we got out of the car and went up to our room.

We got changed into our bathing suits, again Kiara needed some help with her bikini top, I love helping with that, it sometimes leads to something better.

Kiara:another bonus of not being pregnant, I can still wear a bikini, I just have having these stretch marks..."

Me:what stretch marks? I haven't seen any, and I have literally seen ALL over your body."

Kiara:around my hips, and arms... It's horrible!"

I looked at her hips, and just kissed them.

Kiara:what are you doing Justin?"

Me:showing you that I dont care if you have stretch marks..."

I kissed her hips again, then her stomach, then I moved up towards her lips, slowly using my tongue in each kiss, I kissed her chest, neck, jaw, cheek, the corner of her mouth, and finally her lips.

We started to make out, I lifted her up, and she put her legs around my waist.

I moved closer to the bed, when...

My mum walked in the door.

Pattie:oh, i'm so sorry."

She covered her eyes.

Pattie:i'll come back later."

Me:no, we'll continue after you leave, what's up?"

Kiara got down and sat on the bed a little embarrassed, I think I was tomato myself.

Pattie:I just wanted to tell you I got a back from your aunt, her and the twins are coming to see us, they'll be here in a few hours, they live in Hawaii now."

Me:oh cool, it'll be great to see them."

Pattie:okay, well i'll come get you, actually, i'll message you when you get here."

Me:okay mum, cya later."

Pattie:cya, bye Kiara."

Kiaraye Pattie."

Mum left the room, the twins?

I haven't seen them since I was like 10, and when I last saw them, they glued me to a chair!

Okay, back to what we were doing before we got rudely interrupted.

Kiara:I think we were in the middle of something before your mum came in babe?"

Me:you read my mind."

We started to makeout heavily, I untied her bikini top, while we kept kissing.

I started to massage her, gently, she moaned slightly.

I looked into her eyes as I tugged on her bikini bottoms.


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