Part 40

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Justin's pov:

I stared into Kiara's eyes for a few moments, then I remembered that we're going out for coffee with Yaya.

Me:sorry to ruin the moment babe, but we need to get going."

...Kiara's eyes opened wide.

Kiara:right! Our coffee meet with Yaya, she's going to be so excited!"

Me:lets go then."

I looked down at my clothes, a was wearing my pyjama pants and a t-shirt.

Me:I think I better change first."

Kiara:that would be a good idea."

Justin:haha, be right back baby."


I have her a quick peck on the cheek and ran back into the room.

Hmm, what to wear, what to wear?

I rummaged through my bags for something to wear, then, I found it, my favourite black V neck shirt.

I'll wear that, now, should I wear shorts or trousers?

I saw a pair of plaid shorts, that looks good.

I go...t changed and walked out of the room.

Kiara:forgetting something baby?"

Me:oh right!"

I gave her a kiss on the lips.

Kiara:that nice, but your still forgetting something."

Me:oh right!"

I have Kiara a tight hug.

Kiara:still nice, but still not it, look at your feet."

I looked down at my feet.

Me:oh... Right..."

I had no shoes on, so I dashed in the door and grabbed my flip flops.

Me:now i've got everything, we can go, we're late."

Kiara:I was going to make you walk, but we better take the car it's quicker."

Me:okay, lets go!"

We walked, well half ...ran, had walked, out of the hotel and to the car.

We jumped in, I started the car and off we went.

The air was kind of dry, it was 38 degrees out.

It was so hot!

A nice breeze started to flow past us, ah, that's better.

Kiara:it sure is hot today."

Me:I was just thinking the same thing."

Kiara:instead of coffee, how about a sundae or milkshake, or even iced tea or iced coffee."

Me:sounds good,cool us down a bit."

Me:where are we going anyway?"

Kiara:I forgot, i'll text Yaya and find out."

Me:okay babe."

Kiara pulled her phone out and started to type, not too long after, her phone started to beep.

Kiara:Yaya said we're meeting at the Island Café, and... we're late."

Me:tell her we're nearly there."

Kiara:I already did, I can see the sign up ahead."


Kiara:just keep going straight ahead, it's up the road."

She pointed ahead of the bbq to the left a little.

Me:oh I see it now..."

Where is it?

I started looking around a little.

Kiara:you dont see it do you?"

Me:uh sure I do..."

Kiara:where is it then?"

Me:over there!"

I pointed in the same direction she did just moments ago.

Kiara:you really dont see it do you?"


Kiara:didn't think so, considering it's over to the right."

Me:but you pointed to the left."

Kiara:my arm lent to the left, my head nodded to the right."


We drove for about 30 seconds more.

...Kiara:stop, we're here!"

I looked to my right, and there it was, Island Café.

It was like a fancy straw like hut, well the roof was anyway, the actual building was made of bamboo tied together around a brick wall.

Yaya ran up to us and have Kiara and I a big hug.

Yaya:hey guys! How are you?!"

Kiara:we're good, you?"

Yaya:i'm good, excited really, my book hits shelves today!"

Yaya pulled away from the hug and looked down at Kiara's hand holding mine.

Yaya:oh my gosh, did Justin..."

Kiara looked down at her hand.

Kiara:yes! Isn't it gorgeous?"

Yaya:yea! You need to give me the details!"

Me:lets ph down and order something to drink first, then we'll tell everything."

We walked over to a table when a saw paparazzi running towards us.

Pap:hey Justin, is this your new girlfriend?"

Pap 2:Justin, are you cheating on Selena? Are you still dating, or did you break up?"

Pap 3:Justin are you planning a duet with this girl?"

Pap 4:what's this girls name?"

Pap 5:is she going on tour with you?"

Pap 3:why is she wearing a diamond ring? Did you propose? Or is it another man?"

The questions keep going...

Pap:how did you meet this girl?"

Pap 5:are you on a date?"...

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