Part 13

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After a few minutes I heard a siren, the ambulance.

The ambulance pulled up on the road beside us, a doctor got out and rushed towards us.

I was still crying as I explained what had happened to him.

A second doctor, a woman this time, she brought over a bed on wheels, they lifted Justin up onto it.

I felt something wet on my arm, I had I look, blood, Justin's head was bleeding.

The doctors lifted Justin into the ambulance, I climbed in behind them.

I watched as they put a bandage on his head, I cant believe this is happening.

I held Justin's hand all the way to the hospital.

When we got there I had to wait in the hall while they ran some tests on him.

While we were here, I thought I would get checked out from what James did to me, I wanted to make sure I didn't get any disease or pregnant.

I went up to a nurse at the front desk.

Me:excuse me?

Nurse:yes, how may I help you?

Me:I was wondering if I could get a sexual health check-up?

Nurse:sure, would you prefer a woman to have a look?

Me:oh, yes please.

Nurse:ok, i'll have a nurse with you as soon as possible, you can just have a seat over there.

Me:ok, thank you 

Nurse:your welcome 

The nurse walked off, and I went over and sat on a chair. 

I really hope i'm not pregnant, I dont want to have a baby with James, if I have a baby, I want it to be with Justin, I hope he's ok, he has to be ok, I dont know what I would do if he wasn't. 

Ok, I need to get my mind off things and try to relax, so I picked up a magazine and started to flip through.

I turned the page and saw a picture of Justin smiling, I started to cry again, please be ok, please.

Well, looking at magazines didn't work, so I just stared at the floor.

I could see my tears falling to the floor, I lost track of time, cause, suddenly I saw a pair of black shoes.

I looked up and saw a nurse, she was smiling, she offered me a tissue.

Me:thank you.

Nurse:your welcome, are your Kiara?


Nurse:ok, good, follow me, and i'll have a look for you. 


She lead me to a small room with one of those chairs with the pedals for your feet.

She gave me a gown to put on, and pointed out a door that lead to a room where I can put it on.

I went in and put the gown on, it felt weird wearing it, all loose and I could feel the air flowing through.

As I walked out of the room, the nurse was putting on rubber gloves.

Nurse:ok, have a seat and I will have a look.

I nodded and walked over and sat on the chair, I put my feet on the pedals, I felt so awkward.

The nurse took a swab from me and put it in a tube. 

Nurse: are you just having a general check-up, or is there anything else you would like me to look at?

Me:umm yea there is something else, I was wondering if you could give me a pregnancy test? 

Nurse: sure, i'll be right back, i'm just going to get a pregnancy test, and take the swab to be tested.

Me:ok, thank you 

The nurse left and I just sat on the chair waiting, after about 10 minutes the nurse came back.

Nurse:I have your test results and you are in perfect health, nothing to worry about.

Me:oh, thank goodness.

Nurse:here is the pregnancy test, you can go into the bathroom across the hall then bring it back in so I can check it.


I went over to the bathroom and peed on the end of the stick, and brought it back into the nurse.

Nurse:ok, we just have to wait 5 minutes, you can in get changed back into your clothes while you wait.

Me:cool, i'll be right back.

I went and got changed and came out of the change room.

Me:so what does it say?

Nurse:ok, just a few more seconds, and, ok let me have a look.

She picked up the stick and had a look at it.

I crossed my fingers hoping it shows it as a negative.

Nurse:ok, Kiara, it done and your-

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