Part 7

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MY POV:omg its a pair of scissors.

Jazlyn: or else, those pretty locks of yours, ain't gonna be so pretty.

me:just cause your a jealous cow, doesn't mean you automatically get the right to make everyone else horrible.

i stormed away from them into the lounge.

yep, just as i thought, there he was, Justin, sipping at a cup of coffee.

thought i would surprise him.

quietly, i went over and covered his eyes.

me:guess who?

Justin:uhmm, Eva Longoria? 

i playfully whacked him on the arm.

Justin: hey! what was that for? i know its you babe, i recognize your soft hands.

he leaned his head back to face me.

i gave him an upside down peck on the lips.

he just smiled at me, still upside down, he looks so cute upside down, his hair kinda puffs out and hangs loosely, so cute, ok i'm getting a bit side tracked.

i walked around and sat next to him, he pulled me onto his lap and kissed my cheek, i still love when he does that.

Justin:i missed you ♥

me:its only been a few hours.

Justin:a few hours only feeling like half myself.

me: aww, your so sweet. :) ♥

after a while of talking we went back up to our hotel room.

as we were going up the stairs-

Sarah:omg,omg,omg your, your, J-J-Justin Bieber, omg this is the best day of my life, omg!

This girl was dressed from head to toe in Bieber stuff.

Justin:hey shawty, nice to meet you, whats your name?

Sarah:i'm Sarah, and i am such a HUGE fan!

Justin:well it's nice to meet, and its great to have your support.

Sarah:can you please sign this for me?

she held out a notebook.

Justin: sure :)

Sarah:omg thanks! :)

he signed the book, and Sarah left.

we got the the hotel room, i am pretty sure someone was following me.

i was still really tire by the time we got to the room.

i went straight to bed, and about an hour or two later, i woke up when i felt Justin crawl in and hold me round my waist.

he felt so warm, and i was getting a bit chilly.

we went to sleep in each others arms.

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the next morning me and Justin decided to go shopping, first stop, music store.

there was a guy in a dark hoodie, i'm pretty sure they were staring at me, i ignored it and kept looking around the shop.

i bought a new CD, a purple guitar pick, and Justin bought a guitar strap that read "love life for what it is, and not for what you want it to be"

we went to look at shoes next.

i saw a wicked pair of converse, purple, with black and pink glitter, they looked awesome.

again i saw the creepy hooded person, oh gosh i think its a stalker, or worse a rapist.

i dashed out of the shop, Justin followed.

Justin:whats wrong, you left in quite a hurry?

me:oh its nothing, i hope, lets go for a walk along the street, go window shopping, i want to find a new dress, i have plans for tonight.

Justin:what kind of plans?

me: a surprise for you, you'll have to wait till later.


as we were going along the street, i am sure i saw hooded person again, this is getting creepy, we went round a corner, they were still behind us.

i tried to ditch them by going round 3 corners but, there thy were, i would go in shops, there they were.

me:Justin, i think we are being stalked.

Justin:what gives you that idea?

me:i have seen that same person everywhere we have gone.

i pointed to where they we standing, or so i thought.

Justin:where are they? i dont see anybody.

me:they were right there. i dont get where they went.

i turned around to leave the shop when-

me:omg, Justin, there they are.

Justin:yea i see them.

they must have heard us, cause they dashed out of the store and down the street.

me and Justin raced after them, we thought we had lost them when, there they were hiding in a costume store.

we raced over and Justin grabbed they're arm.

they took off they're hood.

i recognized them, i saw them at the beach.

me:hey, i know you from somewhere, i saw you at the beach.

Justin:why are you stalking us, and whats your name?

stalker:i'm following you cause i got paid to keep an eye on her by 3 girls- 

me:Jazlyn, Marinn, and Ima.

Justin:you know them?

me: yea, they threatened me last night that if i didn't break up with you, they would cut my hair off, i didn't care, so i raced into the lounge to you.

Justin:why didn't you tell me?

me:i didn't want you to get worried, i thought you would become over protective and do something overboard like hide us underground, or to some hideaway house, or something else over the top.

Justin:i wouldn't do that.

me:uh-huh sure

Justin:i wouldn't, well probably not those ideas, i'd come up with something better, like a cruise-


stalker:yeah, those girls means business, btw my name is-

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