Part 45

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Justin's pov:

Kate had tears running down her cheek furiously, I pulled her into a hug.

Kate:Daisy is dead!"

...I stood the speechless, and Kiara joined the hug.

Kiara:oh my god, i'm so sorry Kate!"

Kate:the nurse said she's wouldn't let her die, she lied, and now my little girl is dead!"

She said a few things under her breath, they were a little mumbled and hard to understand, but what I did hear was words not suitable for kids television.

Kate:what am I going to do?"

Me:well I think we should at least have a funeral for her,... give her a proper goodbye."

Kate:I dont want to plan a funeral... She should still be alive."

Yaya:we can do it for you, so you dont have to worry about the stress."

Kiara:that sounds like a great idea, Yaya."

Me:I agree."

Kate:you guys your really do that for me?"

Justin:yes we would."

Kate:your all so amazing!"

Kiara:well is there anything you would like, any specific head stone, a song to play, or anything else?"

Kate:you guys can work that out. Just for the song, can it be Concrete Angel that gets played? it's the only song I can think of."


Me:why dont you go home and rest, and get your mind off it for a while, and well get started on everything."


Kiara:we'll call you to tell you the details when we have them."


Kiara:no problem."

Yaya:i'll take you home Kate, while I do that, Justin, Kiara, you both go back to the hotel and call the funeral planner there."

...Me:okay, I need to talk to the car rental place too."

Kiara:talk to you later, and Kate, again i'm so sorry..."

Kate:it's not your fault, but thanks..."

Kiara have Kate and Yaya a hug before we all left in different directions.

Me:wait, when did Yaya show up?"

Kiara:I dont know..."

Me:oh okay."

I walked to the phone box in the hospital, and called a taxi to uae up to the hospital, considering the car I rented was blown up.

At least we have Enrique and Renaldo's surprise to cheer us up a little tonight.

I'm still wondering what it is...

We went to the car rental place and inside.

The man at the desk greeted us with a smile.

Man:how can I help you?"

Me:well we rented a car here, and there was an explosion at the hospital..."

Man:and the car went with it?"


Man:name please."

Seriously? Hello, how do you not know my name?

Me:Justin Bieber."


He typed in my name and looked up.

Man:you'll be pleased to know that there will be no fine, that car was going in to retiring next week anyway."

Now that's a relief I tell you.

Me:okay, that is good news to hear."

Man:well would you like to rent another car?"

Me:yes please."

He typed on the computer a little more, before looking at up smiling.

Man:we have a black sports car, a red mustang, and a blue buggie, which would you like?"

Kiara:can we get the sports car, Justin?"

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Me:sure, just the car I wanted. We'll get the sports car please."

Man:here are the keys, and this car is $50 a day, is that okay?"

Me:that's fine."

I took the keys and paid the down payment and we went out to get the car...

We got in and I drove us to the hotel.

When we got back to the hotel, Kiara and I went straight up to our room and called a funeral planner.

Yaya was here within 40 minutes and the planner an hour after that.

...There was a knock at the door, Kiara went and answered it.

Kiara:hi, come in, thanks for coming."

A man walked in, the funeral planner.

Planner:thank you."

They both walked over to Yaya and I, and we all walked into the kitchen to the table.

Planner:first of all, i'm sorry for your loss, and second, my name is Dave."

Me:hi Dave, umm how does this work?"

Dave:it's my job to make this as easy as possible for you, and take away the stress. So how is this person related to you?"

Me:she's possibly my daughter, but she's a friends daughter."...

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