Part 19

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Me:Justin, this is my childhood friend Yaya.

Justin: nice to meet you Yaya.

Yaya: nice to meet you too 

Me: well, on point standing there, come on in 

Yaya:oh, thank you 

She came in, I closed the door behind her, she sat down on the end of the bed.

Yaya: so, what have you been up to since we last say each other? 

Me: i've been up to alot, highschool has been an interesting experience so far, i've met this awesome guy, if is wonderful, and here I am rambling on about now life, I haven't let you say a word, so what have you been getting up to since our last meeting?

Yaya: I wrote a best selling novel!

Me:omg thats awesome! What it called, I totally have to buy a copy!

Yaya: it's called 'my life: a living nightmare' it's a really good book.

Me:I bet it is 

It kind of fell to an awkward silence, so I decided to put some music on.

I walked over to the radio, I switched it on, 'who's that girl' was playing.

I love that song. 

I started singing along...

Yaya: wow Kiara, your singing is even better than I remember, you should totally become famous!

Me:yea, maybe, maybe not, i'm not much of a performer. I get horrible stage fright, when I get in front of a crowd, I just freeze up and I cant say a word, let alone sing. 

Yaya:aww, thats too bad, but you are a great singer! 


Justin:she's not wrong, and, it doesn't matter if you have stage fright, I could help you with it 

Me:thanks, I might just take you up on that offer  

Yaya:is it just big crowds, or in front of anyone?

Me:in front of anyone, I even had a hard time singing in front of you.

Yaya: really?


Justin: would you maybe perform in front of us?

Yaya: yea Kiara, that would be really good! 

Me: umm, maybe, let me get my guitar, i'll see what if I can ignore the stage fright.

Justin:ok beautiful, but dont pressure yourself, if you want to, you can stop 

Yaya:yea, I dont mind if you cant do it, do you. *she said, aiming thecomment at Justin*

Me:it's alright, I think i'll be able to play a full song, i'll play one I wrote my self 

Justin: I cant wait to hear it 

Yaya: same here, I bet it's great 

Me:ok i'll be right back then.

I left the room into the kitchen, my guitar was on the table in it's case.

With the guitar in it's case, I walked over to my bags and grabbed my laptop.

I walked back into the main room with Justin and Yaya.

They were smiling and talking with each other.


The stopped speaking and faced me.

Justin:you ready?

Me: yea but one question, which song do you want to hear? (i'm not sure which song to put in, so you awesome readers get to pick!)

Me:ok the songs are; 'I wonder', 'goodnight forever', 'I love you so', 'me and you', or 'you dont love me'.

Justin: I want to hear...

Justin:I want to hear 'you dont love me'.

Yaya:so do I, by the way, what's it about?

Me:it's about a guy I really liked a couple of years ago, but he rejected me.

Justin:well whoever he is, if must be a stupid guy to reject a beautiful gir l such as yourself 

Me: aww, thanks Justin.

I gave him I quick peck on the cheek, then I sat on the floor and started playing.

'you dont love me'


You make me laugh, you make me smile,

Yeah, you were great, but you said 'no',

You smile like the sun, you make me smile when you do,

Yeah, I cried like the rain, but you got a problem.


I loved you, but you didn't love me,

But you dont care, you never did,

I dreamed of you, you were my all,

So what's the deal? You dont love me.

You never did, you dont love me.


When I cry your there, yes your great,

So why dont you care? I dont understand,

I cared for you, I hoped you'd care for me,

My friends told me, you dont care.



You really didn't care, you hated the thought that I loved you,

Why? What's wrong with me?

Am I not good enough? 

(Chorus x2)

You just dont love me, do you?.

Me:so what do you think?

Justin: I think it was...

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