Chapter 1 ~ Defeat

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"My, my, my... I'm surprised you've managed to last this long, Hedgehog," said Infinite, hovering over a knelt down, weary Sonic. The two had been fighting for quite a while, now, and the Jackal had the upper hand. Beaten up, the hedgehog was too tired to say anything in response, let alone face Infinite for too much longer. "I must, too, admit that your power has exceeded my expectations. However, mine has increased as well. Enough to pound you into the ground until you're no more."
Sonic, not wanting to give up yet, tried to throw a punch at Infinite, but failed. He couldn't do anything to stop him... at least physically. Using what little energy he had left, he managed to say: "Listen, Infinite, I know that you're probably doing this because of something bad that happened to you. But if you'd let us help, maybe we can get you through this thing you're doing this over-"
Sonic was cut short by a strike to the stomach by Infinite, sending him barreling backwards in a bunch of somersaults. "I don't need your puny 'friends' to 'help' me. Friends are nothing more than a fleeting illusion. So, why should I trust you?" Infinite said. "I need no-one from your misfit gang of 'fighters' to aid me. I've achieved my ultimate form... and you will be the first of many to fall to it!" Sonic, getting back onto his knees, looked up to witness Infinite charging an attack. "You tried to find the light in a place of pure darkness. Look where you ended up." Sonic could hear everyone's cries for help on the radio. They were being overwhelmed and could clearly not hold up any longer. "Listen to their struggle. You could never save everyone, even if you tried your absolute hardest.

"It's the end, Hedgehog. Farewell."

With a flash of purple light, Infinite sent a beam of Phantom energy towards Sonic, ending his life. With a groan and a flop to the ground, the corpse of the now-deceased hedgehog lay on the ground.

- - -

"Sonic! Sonic! Can you read me?" Tails asked on the radio. He was starting to get worried about his blue friend, especially since the attacks weren't seeming to let up. If anything, they were starting to get stronger. Wanting to see if he was okay, Tails weaved out of the crowd and flew over to the fight scene.
Upon arriving, the first thing the fox noticed was Infinite looming over Sonic's body. Tails didn't know that the Jackal ended Sonic's life. He merely thought he had rendered him unconscious somehow.
"How is this possible!?" Tails asked, both visibly and audibly mad and distraught. "I thought you would've drained your energy making that fake sun!"
"You assumed it would. You took a chance, a gamble if you will. Now here you are, standing in front of the corpse of your friend... no longer able to save him because of a mere roll of the metaphorical dice."
Tails was shook. Sonic... was dead? No, this wasn't possible. Sonic defeated every enemy that stood in his way, and even managed to put up a fight against Infinite in Mystic Jungle. But the thought that he actually lost a fair fight... it didn't seem right.
"You're lying!" Tails shouted in anger. "Sonic can easily overpower you! He did it before, he can do it again!"
"If you don't believe me, check his heartbeat." Infinite said moving away from Sonic. "You'll find that you'll be truly disappointed."
Tails approached Sonic cautiously, preparing himself for a sneak attack of some sort. Infinite didn't seem to be planning anything, so that was good, at least. He put his hand on Sonic's chest to feel for a heartbeat... but there was none.
Tails's heart sank deeper than ever before. His best friend fell to the supposed "Ultimate Mercenary," and it wasn't an illusion.

That was it. Infinite had crossed the line.

For the entirety of the war, Tails had stood on the sidelines, too scared to fight anything that was thrown his way. But, no longer was he going to do that. It was time he avenged Sonic and took down Infinite for his best friend.
Filled with a mix of rage and determination, Tails was about to face off against the most dangerous villain on Mobius. And even though he had no-one to help him, he couldn't give up. No, he wouldn't give up. He needed to liberate the world from this demon's grasp.
Tails took a deep breath. This was it. Now or never.

Mustering all of the energy he could, Tails shouted: "You took the life of Mobius's hero, its legend, but most importantly my best friend. You're going to pay big-time, Infinite! Let's do this, you and me!"

- - -

To be continued in "Deception".

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