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As much as I hate to say this, with a heavy heart, this rendition of Dark Future will be discontinued from here on out.

Looking back at my writing, it was terrible, all too simple and was overall a rushed mess. I was literally pumping out one chapter a week for a while and that's why a good chunk of the chapters didn't seem all too exciting. And so, I'm putting my foot down after a heavy mental debate with myself.

However, this doesn't mean Dark Future is ending for good. No, in fact, I have what is essentially a second version of it coming very, very soon. For now, this story shall be known as Dark Future Legacy, and the new version will take the original name, and, with this new, clean slate, I'll be giving myself much more creative liberties than I had before.

My apologies to those who have been waiting in anticipation for the tenth chapter, however I hope you all understand! Make sure to stick around for the re-polished, renewed...

Sonic Forces: Dark Future.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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