Chapter 4 ~ Malevolence

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I'm bad at writing fight scenes
- superplex, 2021

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Gadget was met with a fist to the palm of his hand. He had just begun fighting Tails... or rather, a fury-filled, malevolent being inhabiting Tails's body. The fox had attempted to kill Infinite after destroying the Phantom Ruby, and it wasn't because of the things the Jackal did to the world. No, it was because of what he did to both Sonic and Tails. Just a few moments earlier, he had killed the blue blur in cold-blood, and then proceeded to subject Tails to an illusion that almost made him think the Hedgehog was revived... almost. And those two events... they had traumatized and enraged Tails to the point where he would battle his own friend, Gadget, just to make sure that he could eliminate Infinite from the world. And, now, here they were, fighting to decide the fate of the Jackal's very life.

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Gadget blocked the punch Tails had sent his way with the palm of his hand, and forced it back with all of the power he could build up.
"So, you weren't kidding when you motioned that you wanted a fight..." Tails mumbled. "Heh, if that's what you want, then I'll give you a fight, alright!" Just then, he used his other fist and jarred Gadget on the hip, sending him sliding off to the side of the canyon road. 
Gadget stood up, recovering from the punch. It seemed Tails had a lot more fight in him than he let on during the war. He dashed back at the fox, fist held out, ready to knock some sense into him. He didn't want to harm him, however it was the only way he was going to be able to reach him. Tails attempted to stop this attack with his own dash and fist, speeding faster than Gadget. The wolf noticed this and wanted to dodge, however it was too late and he was struck directly in the center of his chest, sending him flying back into the aura wall that surrounded the battlefield. Upon making contact with it, Gadget felt his energy disappear very quickly. 
"Seems like this aura drains energy from whoever touches it," he thought. "Ugh... why is everything going so fuzzy?" he asked himself, starting to fall asleep. Suddenly, Gadget collapsed on the ground. It seemed the aura had taken a significant toll on him. "Gotta... keep... fighting..." he thought to himself as he tried to pick himself up.
"You really think you can beat me, rookie, don't you?" Tails said as Gadget felt himself get pushed to the ground. "You know, I saw potential in you. You were my buddy. But now, you're nothing more than a worthless kid. 

"No wonder Infinite didn't want to battle you when you two first met."

Gadget's eyes widened. Tails couldn't have known about that event, so how did he learn about it? He looked to Infinite, who was standing off to the side of the battlefield. The Jackal looked emotionless as he watched upon the battle the other two were engaged in. Gadget, clearly unable to win this fight, looked to Infinite with a certain amount of despair in his eyes, hoping that he would at least get a reaction out of the Jackal. He stood there, staring at the wolf, seeing his eyes pierce right through his soul. Infinite slowly walked over to Gadget and Tails, being as stealthy as possible, before punishing the fox with a punch in the back, sending him flying over Gadget and against the aura wall. Upon making contact with the wall, Tails felt his energy leave his body.
"Ugh… no… it can't end like this… NO!" he shouted, dashing back at Infinite with all of the power he had left. The Jackal held his hands out and dug his feet into the ground, ready to block the attack and stand his ground. Tails, enraged that the Jackal would not give up, used all of the force he could to blow Infinite away. He failed, however, as Infinite managed to stand his ground and withstand the impact. Pushing back, Infinite slammed Tails into the ground, rendering him unconscious. With that, his fur returned to the vibrant orange it was and the aura wall disappeared. Tails had finally calmed down. This nightmare was over…
Or so Gadget thought, because at that moment, he realized Infinite was still alive, and that spelled trouble for the Resistance. Gadget dashed at Infinite with what little energy he had, but stumbled and fell along the way.
"I must say, I'm surprised you chose to save me rather than let me die. Perhaps I should spare you. You are quite fun to toy with, after all…" Infinite said, looking down on the weakened wolf. "I'll let you be for now, wolf. I'll be seeing you very soon." The Jackal, also weakened himself, started walking down the road to the fortress to make sure he wouldn't have to deal with any more Resistance rats. As Gadget watched Infinite walk off into the distance, his vision started to fade and he felt sleepy…

Gadget, exhausted from the battle he had just fought in, fell unconscious on the ground.

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To be continued in "Defiance".

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