Chapter 5 ~ Defiance

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Infinite limped to the Egg Fortress, exhausted from being beaten up by the Resistance's puny fox. The fact that he lost both the decisive battle for Mobius and the Phantom Ruby's power... it really made his blood boil.

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As he approached the center of the Egg Fortress, he thought about his quality of life as part of the Eggman Empire. He was being bossed around constantly, and was always being pestered to do the most obnoxious work. He essentially had next to no free will. He didn't deserve this. No, he deserved much more than what he was given.
In a fit of anger, he slammed the palm of his hand against the handprint reader before storming into the fortress. He was going to get what he deserved: freedom.
Storming into the base, Infinite slipped into the main control room and attempted to access one of the main computers. Upon attempting this, though, he was met with a passcode verification. Damn it, of course the Doctor wasn't that dumb to not put a passcode in place.
"What could the Doctor's code possibly be?" Infinite thought to himself, typing in code after code. He didn't care if the wrong codes were sending alerts to the Doctor, he was going to remove the Phantom Ruby's restrictions one way or another. After trying for at least half an hour, he finally entered in the right code and unlocked the entirety of the computer. "ProjectPhantom" was the code, and it was a bit of an ironic code considering how much both the Doctor and this computer depended on it and didn't exactly have a back-up plan, leading to his demise - or so Infinite hoped - and the computer being unlocked. It wasn't going to be a guaranteed success for him, but he was hedging his bets he was going to succeed.

Scouring through the countless applications and files on the computer, Infinite learned a significant amount of info about the Phantom Ruby's power that the Doctor did not teach him. From opening rifts that caused the small Sonic to arrive in this dimension on command to creating bursts of Phantom Cubes that could rain upon larger than imagined areas...
"You know, these would have been useful during the war," Infinite thought.
Finally, after much searching, Infinite found the Phantom Ruby restriction controller and opened it. Finally, after all this time, after being forced to follow strict orders that often contradicted Infinite's wishes... finally, he could exact his revenge on the Doctor for binding him to the metaphorical chains he was bound to all this time...
... or so he thought, because as he was about to press the unlock button, the Doctor stormed into the control room, furious at the alerts he was getting.

"INFINITE! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" he shouted, approaching the Jackal.

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"So, did you finally take care of the Hedgehog and the rest of the Resistance rabble? Or did you fail that like everything else you've attempted?"
Infinite said, turning to the Doctor, crossing his arms to assume a confident stance.
"For one, I may have lost, but it was because of you!" Eggman exclaimed, pointing a finger at Infinite. "You were my last stand and I was still preparing my backup plan when you were defeated!"
"I was the reason you were defeated?" Infinite said, angry at the fact that he was being blamed for not being able to defend the fortress. "I tried my hardest to defend this establishment, however the wretched Resistance fox went and pulled out a dark form on me, something I could not have predicted. I am not at fault here, Doctor."
"You and your Phantom Ruby should be ready for anything, Infinite, even a surprise dark form!"
"Not with the limitations you put on the Ruby!" Infinite yelled, pointing to the screen, showing the Ruby restraint program. "If you had trusted me, perhaps we would not have needed to have this conversation!"
"You know, I'm disappointed in you, Infinite. You came to me as an aspiring co-worker in a plan to finally take over the world, but now you're nothing more than a troublemaker who refuses to take orders!"
"And with reason!" Infinite approached Eggman, each step being a loud stomp. "This environment is nothing more than heated debates and a lack of organization and leadership!" Infinite was now face to face with the Doctor, staring him straight in the eye. "I have two words for you, Doctor.

"I. Quit."

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To be continued in "Powerless".

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