You Shouldn't Forget Things

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"Hnng... haa... ha haa... fff.... fuck... d-don't sto-op..."

Levi hung his head low, face red and eyes clouded with the fogs of lust and want. His fingers tangled themselves in your (hair colour) tresses, guiding you back and forth of his shaft. For Levi, you looked most adorable; he loved how innocent you managed to make yourself look despite performing such a risqué action. Slick, wet noises filled Levi's small office room, as well as his own short, laboured breaths.

Your strands of hair heaved back and forth as you skilfully bob your head in between Levi's legs, making your lover shudder with ut most lust. The tip of him touched your throat, and you hummed against him, rousing a kick of carnal desires to run across your bodies. A cord of curses flew from his mouth, leaning his back on his chair, breathing quite heavily (in short you were giving him a blowjob, a really good one at that).

It has been half an hour since Commander Erwin had left, dismissing the meeting and giving you and Levi isolation from the world, enjoying one of your only private times with each other.

He no longer could hold himself back, he tried oh so hard, and so he strained himself. He really did try not to release in your mouth, and his struggles were very much justified as you were an expert at this field. In the many times you've pleasured Levi with your mouth, you've recognized his favorite spots and most liked techniques. "S-shi... shit... haa... (Y- Y/N), ahh haa..." You liked the thought of having him go through this state because of you, as if you have this powerful control over him. You did, actually. You've always had him ball his fists, contort his breathing, had him close his eyes in the midst of intense want, but you were just (Y/N); you were (Y/N) (L/N) who writhed under Levi, who begged and pleaded during teases, who blushed like a young school girl, whose plump, pink lips emit such dirty sounds that made him hard to the bones.

But most of all, you were (Y/N) who was a massive teaser; you were a tease as much as Levi was a clean freak. You removed your lips from his staff right as he was about to be pronounced finished, and he gave you a tired warning to end what you have begun. "Don't come yet, Levi," said you, licking your lips. "I'm not done yet."

An exasperated growl pronounced in his throat, it was a wordless announcement that he was desperate. Neither of you had had your alone time and now that you did, you were being a push over. He didn't say anything, but he secretly loved that about you. "Just let me fucking finish, (Y/N)."

"Levi, if you're going to be like this, it's never going to work." You pouted at him, playing your innocent facade to establish your less than innocent intentions. You gave him one last lick at his tip, before performing him, say, a private dance. His eyes were plastered onto you; never leaving your form for even a second. He watched as you peel the clothes off of your body in a leisurely pace, obviously irritating the impatient man. With your knees on the floor, as do half of your clothes, you reached up and he bent down, allowing your lips to touch each other. It was neither gentle nor passionate; it was fierce, like sword fight and none of you were planning on being easy towards each other. His lips disconnected from yours, as he started tattooing open mouthed kisses on your jaw, your throat and at your collar bones. He kissed at your breathy moans, crooning at the illicit sounds you were making only for him.

And in a sudden, swift moment, your bodies froze as you hear footsteps loud outside Levi's office, your eyes and his plastered on the wooden door. Skittish, you two came to be when the footsteps had stopped in front of the door; you watched as the doorknob turned and as a forgetful Erwin entered the scene, a small paperclip of paper work in his hands.

"Oh, Levi, I almost forgot, here are the documents for the ne―" He said, his eyes on the paper and then onto you and Levi, whose position held were enough to make him ponder as to what you were doing. Nay, he knew all too well what kind of spicy performances you were having, and he, for a small moment, actually felt kind of jazzed, aroused even. "Ah, I apologize. Obviously, you want to have your show unaccompanied. I'll take my leave."

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