Lobe at first sight - Harry's Story!!!

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Me and Louis were sat in my car, Zayn and Liam in Zayn's car and Sky and Niall were inside telling the girls the news and Sky told us to wait outside until we saw her or Niall. So we sat the very nervous I really liked Yasmin and from what Sky was telling me Yasmin liked me back, from when I saw her I new I had to have her she was so beautiful and couldn't wait to get to know her some more

Me: OMG Im so nervous what if she doesn't like me like that anymore?! *panicing*

Louis: Hazza calm down you will be fine, I'm worried too but we will be fine, you trust me right?!

Me: Lou of course I trust you, your my best friend

Louis: Good than you will trust me about this play it cool, the ladies love it when you do and your my best friend too

What if she doesn't like me, what if I'm not all she expected, omg I'm so scared :( Okey Harry play it cool, be cool and chill out, okey I'm calm oh who am I kidding I'm bricking it

Oh god there's Sky and Niall, and makes it worse there happy and in love, there future is set.

Niall is waving at us telling us to come, oh god and Now he's snogging the face off Sky hehe

Okey I'm gunna play it cool

Louis: Come on Harry, Sky and Niall are there

Me: I'm coming but I'm so nervous I'm shaking

Louis: Just play it cool like I said

Zayn: Come on you two we haven't got all day haha

Louis: Okey Malik keep your hair on

Zayn: Come on Styles lets move

Me: I'm coming

I climbed out of the car really thinking if she would like be back after she gets to know me, we walked inside Nando's, I saw Yasmin she looked so beautiful, more beautiful then I remember

Liam walked straight up to Georgia

Liam: Hello there beautiful, how are you *hugged her*

Georgia blushed: Im fine thank you and what about you?!

Georgia and Liam went off and sat down and got talking

Sky and Niall went in the other direction and sat some where else they were laughing and kissing and just having fun

Zayn was pretty confident but also shy he slowly walked up to Tabbie

Zayn: Hey Tabbie, you look very pretty *he blushed and giggled a little bit*

Tabbie: Hello Zayn, thank you, you look really gorgeous *hehe and blushed*

Tabbie and Zayn went and sat in the corner they looked really good together

Jody walked over to Louis and me

Jody: Yasmin is in the toilet she will be out in a minute and Hello sexy *to louis*

Me: Thanks ill just wait here for her

Louis: *hehe* Thanks :) you look WOW

Jody: *hehe* Thanks lets go sit down

I watched as Jody took Louis's hand and lead him to a table, I was so nervous waiting for Yasmin I couldn't wait to see her but I was scared

2 minutes later Yasmin came out of the toilet and wow she looked beautiful

Yasmin: Harry, I erm didn't think you was coming

Me: You know me, I never let anyone down :)

Yasmin: Im sure you wouldn't hehe :)

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