Leaving for judges houses

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Georgia's Pov

Today was the day Liam and the boys were leaving for judges houses I couldn't believe it I was gunna miss Liam so much

Liam: Morning baby

I ignored him a ran into the bathroom and locked the door, I heard footsteps behind me

Liam: Georgia please come on please babe

I just ignored him

Liam: *sobbing* come on babe

I opened the door and jumped into Liam's arms I didn't wanna let him go but I had to

Liam: don't cry babe we will be together before you know it

Me: but I'm really gunna miss you

Liam: I'm gunna miss you too babe we can Skype all the time I get I promise

Me: okey what time do you have to leave

Liam: about 12ish this afternoon

It was 8:30 I had only got 3 and a half hours before he would be taken away from me

Yasmin's Pov

Harry was leaving today and I was really gunna miss him it was 8:30 and he was leaving in about 3 and half hours

Harry got up and went to the bathroom, I followed him in

Me: Babe I'm really gunna miss you

Harry: I'm gunna miss you too baby

Me: we have to pack the rest of your stuff

Harry: I know and don't forget to pack my favourite photo of you

Me: oh Harry

Harry walked up to me and hugged me so tight, I clung to him for dear life

We walked back into the bedroom and packed the rest of his stuff, I was gunna miss him so much

Tabbie's Pov

I can't believe it Zayn was leaving soon I didn't wanna let him go but I had to as is was his career, I was happy for him but upset as I wasn't gunna see him only on Skype

Zayn: Morning babe

Me: morning sexy

Zayn: I can't believe I'm gunna be away from the women I love

Me: me neither babe you are everything to me

Zayn: and your everything to me and are you sure Ive packed everything

Me: yea I'm sure we finished it last night

Zayn: and my favourite top of yours

Me: yes it's in there babe

We climbed out of bed and got ready to spend our final hours together

Hafsah's Pov

I will remember this day as the day me and Louis got split up I'm gunna hate being away from him I love him with all my heart and I had to be to be spilt up from him, oh how I will miss him

Louis: babe have you got everything packed

Me: yea babe what about you

Louis: yea but one thing I'm missing

Me: what's that babe your toothbrush, hairbrush, favourite shirt

Louis: babe calm down the one thing I'm missing is you

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