Love at first sight - Bootcamp!!!

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Georgia's Pov

It had been 3 hours since Sky gave birth to Raven and she was shattered she wasn't allowed home for another 3 hours because they wanted to keep an eye on her and Raven, Niall was still smiling he hasn't stopped since Raven was born. Raven was double of Niall and they all looked really happy

Me: Look how happy you both are

Niall: I couldn't be happier I have Sky, Raven and we got through on xfactor, thanks for believing in us everyone

Tabbie: Your welcome and you should thank Sky it was her idea

Zayn: I know but you all supported us so thank you

Yasmin: No need to thank us we your best friends were gunna support ya

Harry: But we didn't think we could do it

Me: But we knew you could it was all down to Sky that you went on

Liam: Yes but we couldn't have done it without any of you

Sky: It's all good I'm so happy I have Niall, Raven and my boys are gunna Bootcamp

Niall: Oh god yea we are but what if we get to judges houses means I'm leaving you on your own with Raven

Sky: Babe we will be fine honest, yes we will miss you but it will be worth it

Niall: But I'm gunna wanna be with you two

Harry: And you will be you can phone her and Skype them aswell

Zayn: Yea, you have nothing to worry about Niall

We all just sat and chilled out for the next 3 hours waiting for the nurses to let Sky and Raven home

Tabbie's Pov

3 hours later

The nurse came into were we was all sat and said Sky and Raven could go home and that the midwife would phone her up tomorrow

Me: Okey so how's everyone getting home

Niall: Me, Sky, Raven, Liam and Georgia in my car

Harry: And me, Yasmin, Zayn and Tabbie in my car

Louis: And I'm all alone in my car

Zayn: Thanks for the offer Harry but were gunna go with Louis, so he's not on his own

Harry: Fair do's we understand

Sky: Are you coming to our house?!

Georgia: But Sky your shattered, you need your rest, we should all go to our own homes and meet up tomorrow

Yasmin: Yea maybe we should all get home and get some sleep

Me: Oh god we should it 20 past 2 in the morning

Zayn: Okey, come on Babes let go

Me and Zayn hugged everyone and said we would see them tomorrow

Zayn: Bye Raven Uncle Zayn and Auntie Tabbie will see you tomorrow

Me: hehe come on Zayn bye Raven *kisses his forehead*

Me and Zayn jumped in Louis's car and he drove us home when we reached our house me and Zayn climbed out of the car and Zayn ran round and picked me up bridal style we both said by to Louis as we watched him pull away and Zayn carried me in the house took me upstairs and laid me on the bed, hovering over me and came real close and kissed me he slowly took my top off teasing me and you can guess the rest.

Yasmin's Pov

After Zayn, Tabbie and Louis left, me and Harry said bye to everyone and to Raven and we told them we would phone them later

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