6months later!!

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Okey so skip ahead by 6months Ravens 1st birthday - Sky xxx

Georgia's Pov

Okey so it's been 6months since the boys have been famous and there fame is getting bigger everyday but also the haters get bigger aswell but we can deal with them, I have about 3.4million followers on twitter all asking for a follow back it's crazy, anyway today was Ravens 1st birthday. He get bigger everyday but so does my stomach I feel fat but that's my baby mind talking. I was 8 months I only had a month left I can't wait to hold my baby in my arms.

Liam: hey babe

Me: hey have you got Raven's present

Liam: yea look :)

Me: heh come on let's see if we can go help Sky&Niall

Liam: your not helping anyone you can sit watch

I giggled Liam didn't let me do anything he said I had to take it easy, so Liam loaded the car he decided he was gunna bring Brit and Loki (Liam's dogs in real life - Brit a golden lab and Loki and black and white huski) Raven loved Brit and Loki he would always fuss around them. 10 minutes later we got to the village hall where Ravens part would be held, and everyone was there Louis&Hafsah, Zayn&Tabbie, Yasmin&Harry and Niall&Sky and of course Raven.

Liam: hey guys

Niall: Hey Liam, Hey Georgia

We all said hello to the guys and Liam went and sat me with Sky and the girls, the boys wouldn't let us do anything. And Niall defo wouldn't let Sky do anything she could hardly walk apparently the twins were gunna be big, I'm glad I'm just having the one.

Hafsah's Pov


Louis came running in he looked so scared

Louis: what's wrong babe

Me: nothing I'm fine I just wanna help

Louis: no your not helping

Me: but I want to

I have Louis the sad look and he couldn't resist

Louis: okey come on then

Louis walked over and we walked into the main hall I didn't do much I just bossed them around saying do this and do that I was very good at organise things

Sky's Pov


Niall didnt answer


Yasmin: wooh Sky deafen us much haha

Me: sorry I need the bathroom


Niall still didn't come

Tabbie: Hang on we will help you

Me: thanks girls

Tabbie and Yasmin helped me up and Georgia tried to help but I just told her to open the door as I didn't wanna put stress on her or the baby. Niall was putting up some decorations for Ravens party wow he looked so sexy while working after I'd finished in the toilet the girls were waiting for me.

Me: Oooh baby you look hot when working

Niall turned around and I could see his V-Line oooffftttt he was f*cking sexy

He jumped down and came close the girls left us alone for a few minutes he planted his sweet lips on mine and all we heard was


Me and Niall looked and we could see all the fans outside the hall were Ravens party was being held and Raven was sat at the door waving to them all, me and Niall walked to were Raven was.

Me: come on Raven lets get you ready for your party

Directioners: Hey Niall

Niall just waved at them and picked Raven up

Directioner: can we have your autograph please

Me: not right now can you see where trying to sort our sons birthday party sorry girls

Niall: sorry girls it's my sons first birthday and it's important

Random Directioner: didn't know you had a son

Me: yea and can't ya see there two more on the way

I got really angry and Niall could see it I took Raven from him and walked off

Niall: SKY

Niall came running after me and just kissed me and hugged me

Niall: I'm sorry babe

Me: not your fault they just don't know what privacy is

Niall: come on let's get Raven ready

We got Raven ready and my mum and dad came over along with Niall's mum and dad. It was about 6 o'clock when they got here they had to go through the back door. It was about 9 o'clock and Raven had fallen asleep and my stress levels were really high bc the fans were still outside shouting for the boys.

Me: I need the toilet will you help me up please

Niall helped me up and kissed me and I walked off and went to the toilet after I'd finished I went to walk back to Niall and everyone

Directioners: SKY SKY COME SAY HI

I walked over to them and opened the window and was talking to one of the girls when all the fans started screaming Niall and Harry, I didn't know they had come looking for me

Harry's Pov

Niall got worried about Sky so we went to look for her, she was stood at the door talking to a girl. When all of a sudden the girls spotted us and started screaming, we walked over to Sky and Niall kissed her.

Niall: I was so worried

Sky: I'm fine just talking to one of the fans

Directioners: HARRY, NIALL

Niall: sorry girls Sky's stress levels are really high and she only has a week and half left

Harry: yea sorry gotta get Sky away and sat down

Me: but boys I'm fine

Then Louis came to the door than saying that Sky and Niall's parents were going home. We started walking back to the main hall when all of a sudden Sky screamed and fell into Niall's arms and water went everywhere. Oh great that's all we needed, Sky was in labour and the fans were blocking both doors now.

SORRY cliffhanger :D will Sky make it to a hospital or will she have the twins in the hall only I know HAHAHA and will Georgia or Hafsah go into labour or both looks like you gotta read on love ya - Sky xxx

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