Love at first Sight more povs

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Okey guys it works better as Pov's so I'm gunna stick to that, a recap in the last one everyone was watching a film and Niall found out the Sky was pregnant and everyone became couples. Hope you like this one - Sky xxx

Georgia's Pov

I woke up to being in Liam's arms he was still sleeping and I lifted his arm to go to the bathroom, but he felt me move and hugged me tight

Liam: Not yet, hugs for a little longer *mumbles*

Me: Okey babe

Liam fell back asleep and I felt so safe and i went back to sleep

Yasmin's Pov

I woke up to find Harry was gone I got up to find him as I stepped on the landing of Niall's place, Harry was just walking back in the bedroom, he grabbed me in his arms a laid me back on the bed. His sweet soft lips touched me and my heart started racing, I had fallen in love with Harry. He was so amazing

Harry: WOW the kiss of an angel, come on let's sleep for a bit longer its on 8am

Me: Okey as long as I'm with you I don't care were we are

Harry looked at me with his beautiful greeny brown eyes they was amazing, our lips meet and then we drifted off back to sleep

Jody's Pov

I woke up to Louis's face in mine, this was perfect I closed my eyes, the next thing I felt was Louis move and sit over my stomach, I opened my eyes to see his smiling face.

Louis: Morning beautiful

Me: shhhhh and morning what time is is

Louis: it's 8am

Me: what oh god I'm going back to sleep babe

Louis: okey

Louis shifted off me and I cuddled upto against he's bare gorgeous chest and feel back asleep

Tabbie's Pov

I got woke up when I felt something move, it was Zayn he was just getting back into bed

Zayn: oh sorry babe didn't mean to wake you just went to the toilet and then bumped in to Harry so I was talking to him for 5 minutes

Me: it's okey babe I was just missing you

Zayn came closer grabbed my hands and picked me up and rested me on the wall, my heart was beating really fast now, my hands were wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist, he was kissing me and then he started kissing and biting my neck teasing me a little bit and then he put me back down on the bed, hugged me tight and fell back asleep

Niall's Pov

I hadn't slept all night, I was just thinking about how I was going to be a father, I was so happy. Sky had fallen asleep with her head on my bare chest, she was having my baby how perfect could things get. I loved her and our baby so much I didn't know what she wanted to do, should we tell outer parents how will they react oh god!!! I felt Sky move and she talked

Sky: Oh mum no I love him and you can't take him away from me

Me: What's wrong babe

Sky never said anything I guessed she was talking in her sleep so cute

Sky: NOO you're not gunna take him away from me, no please don't Niall don't let me go please don't

Sky sat up as quick as anything I'd ever seen she was crying

Me: babe what's wrong what happened *panicing*

Sky: Niall please don't ever let me go promise me

Me: Sky I will never let you go, and you was talking in your sleep you sounded like you was arguing what happened baby tell me

Sky: My mum tried to take you away from me after she found out that we was having a child

Me: I will never let anything separate us or our family

I put my hand on her stomach, she looked at me tears streaming down her face and smiled. I wiped the tears away from her face

Me: Who should we tell first my parents or yours or the guys in this house right now

Sky: I think we should tell my mum and Ramy (Sky's step dad)

Me: Okey then, we will go right after everyone wakes up

I held her in my arms again as she laid down on my chest I ran my fingers threw her hair

Me: I love you Babycakes

Sky: I love you too baby

She drifted off back to sleep and 10 minutes later I finally fell to sleep.

Sorry guys this one isn't as good but it will be better next time promise - Sky xxxx

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