The crash - The skype call

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Sky's Pov

30 minutes later

My iPad started ringing it was Niall on Skype my face lit up I was so happy i answered and it wasn't Niall it was Paul (security)

Me: Paul, where's Niall

Paul: Sky I'm so sorry

Me: Paul where's Niall your scaring me, show me Niall

Paul turned the camera around to Niall and he was just lying there on the floor not moving


Paul: Sky I'm so sorry, Niall's d...


Paul: Sky I'm sorry there was a crash and Niall was knocked out, the captain tried to land the plane but I'm sorry we couldn't save him, we couldn't save Harry or Louis ethier, only Liam and Zayn and Myself survived, I'm sorry

I broke down I couldn't believe it my whole world was crushed the love of my life is dead, the father of my child is dead, I was screaming inside HELP ME

Me: Paul I can't I can't please help me

Paul: I'm sorry Sky, I called you as soon as, I'm really am sorry. I have to go and tell the girls. I will phone you back to make sure your okey

Me: ill never be Okey again but thanks Paul

I hung up the Skype call, and cried loads more, my son he had to grow up with out his father OMG it was gunna be hell without

I phoned my mum up

Me: mum OMG I need you *crying*

Sky's mum: Sky calm down and tell me what's happened

Me: it's Niall

Sky's mum: Whats he done now I swear if he's hurt you ill kill him

Me: MUM SHUT UP he's not hurt me he's dead

Sky's mum: OMG Sky I'm so sorry I'm coming round

Me: no dont I wanna be alone just please don't leave me

*interrupted by a ringing*

the ringing got louder

I sat up really fast, crying

My iPad was ringing, I looked at it and it was Niall, I quickly answered it

And sat there on the other end of the camera was Niall

Me: Niall OMG I was so worried I just had a scary dream that you died in a crash and I lost you forever

Niall: Babe calm down Im fine, nothing like that will ever happen, we have just landed we on our way to the house

Me: okey babe I'm calm, I was so scared I thought it was gunna be Paul

Niall: No I'm fine so how are you

Me: I'm going crazy I miss you so much

Niall: I miss you so much too and I miss our little boy

Georgia's Pov

*ringing a really loud ringing*

The was this really loud ringing 3 iPads were ringing all at once, I looked at my iPad it was Liam, I answered

Me: LIAMMMMMMM OMG I miss you so much

Liam: Okey Georgia babe chill out I miss you too, to much

Me: I see you have landed

Liam: Yea and were all in limo now and were on our way to house, the boys have Skyped the girls

Me: I know, Yasmin and Tabbie are at our house

Liam: Oh I didn't know that haha, where's Sky

Me: She's at her house, she wanted to be alone after Niall left

Liam: Well Niall is on Skype to Sky now, she had a really horrible dream

Tabbies Pov

Me: How was the flight babe

Zayn: it was good, but missing you though, that's the worse thing about this

Me: I'm missing you too Zayn, please be careful I don't want anything to happen to you

Zayn: ill be fine don't worry

Me: I've done nothing but worry

Me and the girls were on Skype to the boys and Georgia and Yasmin seemed to be a little more happy now they were talking to them, I just hope that Sky was okey

We sat there for about an hour talking to them

Yasmin's Pov

Me: so when will you be coming home baby

Harry: hopefully soon, I think that we will be allowed to come home before moving into the xfactor house, if we get through to live shows

Me: you will get through to live shows we believe in you

Harry: thank you for believing in us babe

Me: I will always believe in you, I love you

Harry: I love you too

Sitting on Skype to Harry made me feel a lot better I just didn't wanna let him go from Skype, I loved everything about him, his face was so beautiful, Im so glad he was mine

Hafsah's Pov

I was talking to Louis for about an hour and 30 minutes, I just couldn't believe I was in a different country to him, I was in Mallorca and he was in Barbados (both Spanish just hours away from each other) I couldn't wait for us to be together again

Louis: Babe I'm sorry but I have to go we are just pulling up to the house ill Skype you in about an hour

Me: okey baby no worries Im just pulling up too actually, please be careful, I love you

Louis: I will babe, and you be careful and be nice and I love you too

Me: I will

I blew him a kiss and he blow one back

Louis: Bye babe

Me: bye Lou

We ended the call as I pulled up to the house, I climbed out the limo and security took my bags inside and shown me were I would be staying for the next few weeks

It was beautiful were I was staying even though I wanted to be with Louis, I couldn't

Sorry it's abit short guys the next part will be better - Sky xxxx

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