The twins&the shock!!!

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Okey gunna try and get everyone in best I can love ya - Sky xxxx

Georgia's Pov

It was about 30 minutes since I had give n birth to Ashton he was so beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off him and Liam hadn't stopped smiling since he was born but Sky was still screaming in pain, Liam went to go see Jada, Hafsah and Louis. She was born about 17 minutes before Ashton. Our thoughts were with Sky and Niall now we was really worried for her, we was all so scared for her. I was alone in the room on with Ashton when Liam came running in

Liam: Sky's ready to give birth

Me: OMG I hope she's okey

Everything was quite for a few seconds then the whole ward was drowned in Sky's screams, I felt so sorry for her I just hope she was okey

Hafsah's Pov

OMG Sky was screaming the whole ward down and Zayn had us that Sky was giving birth she sounded like she was giving birth to an elephant, but then again she was having twins and she was in more pain with the twins than she was with Raven. (Raven is with Sky's mum&Step dad). It was so hard sitting there listening to her in pain

Me: I hope she's okey

Louis: she will be fine stop worrying

The next thing we knew Niall came running in and said Sky had to go for an emergency c section. He then ran back to Sky before she went in

Niall's Pov

It was hard to watch Sky going through all that pain I wish I could swap places with her, and now I had been told she had to go for a c section. They said I could go with her, I was so scared I just hope she was gunna be okey.

Me: Sky I love you so much

Sky: yea I fucking love you too

Wow she still told me she loved me even though she was in pain. The nurse took me and Sky to an operating room, and put a sheet up between Sky and her tummy. I held her hand she was shaking and so was I.

Sky's Pov

I couldn't give birth natural to the twins, I was a little bit gutted as I wanted to but if I did there was a chance one or both could die and I didn't want that I wanted our babies safe. The only way to guarantee they would be safe is a c section.

Nurse: okey Sky your gunna feel so pressure that's just us getting one of you babies out.

Sky: okey

I was so scared I held onto Niall's hand for dear life, he was shaking I kissed his hand and he came close and kissed me and I felt a little bit more relived.

Niall's Pov

Kissing Sky made me a little bit more relaxed but I was still scared. Then we heard a little cry it was one of the babies.

Nurse: look guys here's the first a boy, just gunna clean him up and get the second one out now

Sky was looking a little pale and her breathing dropped

Me: Sky are you okey

She just nodded and let me know she was fine I kissed her again I just loved them all so much.we heard another cry and we realise it was the second twin. They were finally in the world I couldn't believe it.

Nurse: look here's the second one another boy, ill clean him up and bring them over.

I didn't take my eyes of the boys they were adorable one look double of Sky and the other me I was so happy

Me: you did it Sky I'm so proud of you

Sky said nothing and her grip on my hand loosened I looked at her she had become unconscious

Me: Sky, Sky

Then the machine Sky was hooked upto started beeping and Sky had stopped breathing, the nurses ran over and pulled me to one side and all I could do was stand and watch as they tried to bring her back. I burst into tears wishing she would start breathing again


Okey hope you like it guys actually got tears in my eyes right now I promise ill get everyone in the next and final part love ya - Sky xxxx

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