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Okey guys this one is all about the 1D boys hope ya like it - Sky xxxx

Niall's Pov

We have just do stage rehearsals and it was great I can't wait to get out and perform for the people. I'm gonna love it, the quicker we get X factor over with the quicker I can be with my family, and now Sky was pregnant again but with twins I can't wait to see them when there born its gunna be great, but Raven is 4 months old will we be able to cope.

Harry: OMG I can't wait for tonight

Simon: well the show is in 2 hours so you won't have to wait long

Louis: OMG today has gone really quick

Zayn: it has hasn't it

Liam: Im loving every minute of this

Me: I know it's amazing and a privilege

Simon: you can have a break now you have 2 hours before the show. Good luck tonight boys

All: thanks Simon

Me and the boys walked off backstage and I decided I was going to Nando's bc I was hungry, but that means I gotta take on the girls outside the show. I risked it and as I stepped outside


Wow they knew who I was it was great, I walked through the back gate the fans didn't know it was there as I was walking to Nando's a girl spotted me walking back in and she ran over to me and I was stood talking to her and then all the girls came running

Me: I'm sorry I better get back in my Nando's is getting cold and look

Mysterious girl: okey talk soon and can I have your number

Me: ill try and go back out to say hi to everyone and I don't know you so I'm sorry but no

I walked back through the gate and closed it as the girls just got there, I waved and the screams became louder. When I got back into the building I could still hear all the girls, I went into our room and the boys were sat on Skype to the girls and I sat down and Skyped Sky.

Louis's Pov

The boys were on Skype to the girls and I was talking to Hafsah we were cuddling in the corner like normal. I looked around the room and Niall was stuffing his face as normal and talking on Skype. Me and Hafsah spoke for like 30 minutes and then we got some sleep before we got woke up to get ready for tonight's show

Zayn's Pov

I was loving the X factor experience but I was missing Tabbie so much I was sat on Skype to her and she was telling me about her day I think we spoke for about an hour and half before I had to get ready.

Harry's Pov

I can't believe I'm actually here on the X factor with my four best friends, just missing Yasmin to much, I was sat on Skype to her telling her about the fans how we could hear them screaming everytime we looked out the window. I decided to show her and she was amazed about how many girls were waiting for us to go say hi. We spoke for about for and hour and 30 minutes before I had to go get ready for tonight's show.

Liam's Pov

All I could thing about was the show tonight and about Georgia and our baby, I was so happy I had her and now we was having our baby. I was sat on Skype to her and she was showing us our baby he/she was so cute I couldn't wait for the baby to come so I could meet the little us. We spoke for about an hour and 30 minutes before I had to go and get ready for the show.

Niall's Pov

Me: Carol does this look good?!

Carol: it looks great your gunna be great tonight

Me: thanks and you would say that your our stylist haha

*end of povs, Narrator*

But what Niall didn't know what that she though of him more than just a singer she picked clothes for, he didn't know she had a thing for him. But will he find out, will she tell him?! Will it all come in the papers. (Keep reading to find out)

Harry's Pov

So we was on the stage soon we wasn't first up this week, I think Hafsah was first and we was 4th.

Stage crew: boys are you ready your on in 20 minutes, Hafash your on in 5 minutes

Hafsah: oh god I'm so scared this is the first time I'm wearing something that shows of my bump.

Louis: Hafsah you will be fine trust me baby

Hafsah: I trust you baby

Five minutes passed and the second live show was under way Dermot was just introducing the judges and Hafsah was up first.

Hafsah's Pov

Okey so I was really scared as I was up first this week, I was hoping the judges liked my song this week.

Stage crew: okey Hafsah your up

Louis: good luck baby

Me: thanks babe

Louis came close and kissed me and hugged me and I got ready to walk out on stage.

Nicole: and now the beautiful Hafsah

Hafsah's song this week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id-3FKPpTKw

Wow the people are standing up including Nicole OMG

Simon: Hafsah that was incredible you have an amazing voice

Louis W: You have a lovely voice Hafsah keep doing what your doing

Kylie: Hafsah you need to breathe more and you will be able to sing better


Nicole: don't listen to her Hafsah you have an amazing voice and you sing perfect keep doing what your doing girl I love it

OMG the judges love it I can't believe it and I can't wait til next week

Hafsah: OMG thank you

I walked off stage and Louis was waiting for me

Louis's Pov

OMG she was amazing she was beautiful and talented.

Me: Hafsah that was amazing

She walked off stage and I just hugged her I was so proud of her but we still had our show to do tonight I couldn't wait but I was scared just incase we wasn't good enough. We was up next with were 4th to perform, Storm Lee was second and the Treyc and now it was us, oh god I'm scared but it's gunna be great.

Simon: okey up next is 5 amazing boys known as OneDirection

Liam: *singing* I guess this means your sorry standing at my door http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcrqezVGTug

After the performance we got really good comments from the judges but Kylie was a bit harsh I guess she doesn't know good music when she hears it

Zayn's Pov

OMG it was amazing I really love performing for the world I just hope we did enough to stay til next week. After the show finished me, the boys and Hafsah went back to our room and talked for like 10 minutes and the we Skyped the girls back home and we must have spoke until about 2 in the morning before ended the call and going to sleep.

Okey guys hope ya like it (its rubbish I know) the results in the next part love ya guys - Sky xxxx

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