Love at first sight - 2 months later!!!

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Sorry I've been busy so this should be good or at least I hope it is - A little bit graphic hope ya like it :) - Sky xxx

2 months later* the boys were waiting on finding out if the had made it to judges houses and Raven was now Two months old, we was waiting to her from Simon which would be any time now

everyone crashed at Tabbie and Zayn's house, after as they went to the movie the night before they watched House at the end of the street. Raven is with Sky's mum and stepdad as the film was scary.

Tabbie's Pov

It was about 9 o'clock in the morning and Zayn was still sleeping, he looked so cute it was a shame what I was about to do but then again I've always been naughty hehe

I got up and climbing on top of Zayn and started bouncing a little bit

Me: Zayn wake up baby

Zayn: Uhhh

Me: Come on sleepy head wake up

Zayn opened his eyes and he rubbed his eyes, I will still bouncing on him a little bit

Me: morning baby

Zayn: Morning beautiful hehe

All of a sudden Zayn flipped me over and held my wrists down to the bed and started kissing me, I kissed him back and then he licked my lips asking for permission, I happily let him in and it turned into a full make out session, he stripped my top off. I could strip him off as he sleep commando and I loved it

Zayn: MMMM gunna eat you up baby hehe

Louis's Pov

I woke up it was around 9 o'clock and Hafsah was sleeping still, so I wrapped my arms around her and tried to get back to sleep when from the room next door all I could hear was

Zayn: MMMM you taste so good

Tabbie: Hehe I'm glad I do

Zayn: Come to dada

I tried to block out the sound by putting my head under the pillow, how Hafsah slept through that I don't know


OMG I couldn't block the sound out so I started singing in my head that seem to do the trick

Georgia's Pov

I was having an awesome dream about Liam and Me getting away from this place for a while, when I got woke up by Tabbie and Zayn, they was have a bit of fun in the next room and Liam was still sleeping, and I decide I was missing out, and I wanted to out beat them I wanted to be louder as naughty as I was feeling haha

Me: Liam, Liam wake up

Liam: mmmmmm

I climbed on top of him and I could feel his boner underneath me

Me: Liam, wake up

Liam: Im awake babe

Me: Hehe goodie, have a listen to next door

Liam and I listen and all we could her was Tabbie


me and Liam started to giggle and Liam looked at me with that really sexy look

The next thing Liam turned me over so he was hoovering over me and he put all his weight down on me he started to lick my neck and then he took my top off and I slowly slipped his boxers off and started teasing him quite a lot

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