Ch. 4.3 Harem Challenge

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Not only was the dance floor cleared, the waiters hastily pushed the tables and chairs against the stone walls. The musicians bravely stayed on their dais, although they did back against the wall as well. All eyes were fastened on the pair of fighters in the middle: the cat facing the alligator.

"Harem challenge, moron," Alex said.

"You cannot. You don't have a harem." The Anolis' voice was as cold as death, breath as frigid as a river of ice.

Alex whipped out her sword and put it to the Anolis' throat. "Harem challenge because I earned the old Kuni's harem and emancipated them. That gives me the right to issue a harem challenge whenever I please. Don't forget I helped put the current Kuni on the throne." Her breath was hot with the scent of cinnamon and liquor.

The other four Anolis females started forward and Alex raised a glowing red hand.

"Stand back or I'll blast the lot of you. Enjoy waking up crippled, cowards. Ganging up on me? That's the warrior way, huh? Same as torturing your males, I guess. Spineless morons." Alex backed up, sword still out. She lit her other hand so that red sparks flowed down the blade and dripped onto the floor, hissing before they died.

The tall Anolis female drew her sword. Alex jerked her head toward the dance floor.

"In the middle, idiot. Lots of clear space so your gutless girlfriends don't stab me in the back." Alex kicked over a table and the wine goblets crashed in several directions, sending up a fragrant spray of wine.

Servers rushed to pull the table aside. Alex backed up, sword at the ready, gaze locked on the Anolis female.

"This looks good." Alex stopped in the center of the dance floor. "Traditional challenge or to the death for your harem? I always let you fools choose."


"So you're a huge coward. Fine."

Alex braced as the enormous Anolis rushed her. She dodged the powerful overhead chop and slammed her with a side swipe. The Anolis roared and only partially parried it. Alex ran behind the Anolis and sliced her tail. The Anolis let out a scream that sounded like a dying cat and lashed out with her tail at Alex, who jumped over the bleeding tail and charged the Anolis. Their swords ricocheted off each other in a blur, flashes of steel, and sparks of fire. Alex whirled and landed another side strike. The sword hit true and sliced the Anolis' arm. Her blood sprayed over both of them but the Anolis didn't even flinch as the sword cut her hide.

The Anolis chopped down and Alex cried out as the sword glanced off her shoulder. Alex held her bleeding shoulder, seemingly frozen, and the Anolis bore down on her. Alex brought her blade up and deflected the sword just enough to the side to send the Anolis sprawling to the ground.

Alex whipped around and buried her sword into the Anolis' flank. The Anolis screamed, scrabbled, and then went still, breathing heavily. Alex withdrew her sword and stood over the fallen Anolis female. The scent of Alex's sweat and blood, mixing with the Anolis' fear and blood filled the area.

Then the warrior rolled over and pushed herself onto a sit. "I'll gut every one of my males before I'll hand them over," she panted.

"Heard and witnessed," Razz said.

"Heard and witnessed," Trac and Kress echoed.

"Treacherous fool." Alex drew back her sword and plunged it into the Anolis' heart.

The other Anolis females cried out and charged. Alex's blade shivered in her hands as she jerked it free of the dead Anolis' body. She flew up in a blood-spattered arc and a ruby scythe from her hands cut through the charging warriors. Two of the females veered off toward Razz, dodging Alex's power. Alex dove at them as Razz brought up his dagger.

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